Dennis Sciama Memorial Lectures
Trieste 25.01.2002 *** Oxford 13.05.2002
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
What do black holes and the big bang tell us
about the nature of quantum mechanics?
Trieste 14.11.2003 *** Oxford 21.2003
George Ellis (Cape Town)
Cosmology and Local Physics
Trieste 24.02.2006 *** Oxford 24.02.2006
Stephen Hawking (Cambridge)
The Origin of the Universe
Trieste 21.04.2008 *** Oxford 21.11.2008
John Barrow (Cambridge)
The Constants of Nature
Trieste 12.11.2009 *** Oxford 28.11.2009
Julian Barbour (Oxford)
Mach's Principle as the Universal Basis of Dynamics
Trieste 3.09.2010 *** Oxford 19.11.2010
Marek Abramowicz (Göteborg)
Astrophysical black holes and E = mc2