The ATHENA X-ray observatory
You are currently visiting the Polish website for the ATHENA mission. ATHENA
is the new generation X-ray telescopes which has been accepted by European Space Agency
as a large mission with a launch foreseen in 2028.
For many years, Polish engineers are building different satellite components.
We have been invited by researchers from Max Planck Institute to participate in the design and
construction of WFI/ATHENA detector. Also French Space Agency has been invited us
to make elements of X-IFU/ATHENA instrument.
Polish participation in the preparation of the satellite is extremely important.
ATHENA science covers all important topics of modern high energy astrophysics.
The implementation of ATHENA for launch in 2028 will guarantee a transformation
in our understanding of the Hot and Energetic Universe, and establish European
leadership in high-energy astrophysics for the foreseeable future.
To read more about the ATHENA telescope please see the ATHENA official
Recent news and messages
03/05/2021 13th X-IFU Consortium Meeting
WFI Consortium Meeting was helsd on 3-7 th May 2021. Again it was online meeting and everybody get used to such kind of meetings. 100 people participated in plenar sesions.
3-7/5/2021 13th WFI Consortium Meeting
meeting: Virtual meeting
26-29/4/2021 13th X-IFU Consortium Meeting.
meeting: Virtual meeting
09/11/2020 12th WFI Consortium Meeting
This autumn as usually WFI Consortium Meeting (9-12.11.2020).
It was online meeting due to circumstances and Polish team members participated remotely.
9-12/11/2020 12th WFI Consortium Meeting
meeting: Virtual meeting
02/11/2020 12th X-IFU Consortium Meeting
November 2-6, 2020 our consortium meeting was also online this time. Polish team members participated actively as it was before.
2-6/11/2020 12th X-IFU Consortium Meeting
meeting: Virtual meeting
27-29/4/2020 11th WFI Consortium Meeting
meeting: Virtual meeting
6-9/4/2020 11th X-IFU Consortium Meeting.
meeting: Virtual meeting
14-17/10/2019 10th WFI Consortium Meeting
meeting: Strasbourg, France