13:00 | Registration |
Monday Nov. 19, PM : Reduction of data and event reconstruction
(chairman: Michał Ostrowski) |
14:00 | Principles of atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray detection (Bernard Degrange) |
14:30 | General software organization in France (Agnieszka Jacholkowska) |
15:00 | Paris calibration procedures (Mathieu de Naurois) |
15:30 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Run quality and run selection (Bruno Khelifi) |
16:30 | Hillas, Model and 3D event reconsructions (Mathieu de Naurois) |
17:00 | X-ray vs Cherenkov gamma-ray data analysis (Yves Gallant) |
Tuesday Nov. 20, AM : Data analysis (chairman: Agnieszka Jacholkowska) |
9:00 | Background estimation methods (Arache Djannati-Atai) |
9:30 | Spectral reconstruction methods (Santiago Pita) |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:30 | Paris analysis chain and developments (Mathieu de Naurois) |
11:15 | HAP status and prospects (Djannati-Atai / Khelifi / Pita) |
12:00 | Future plans for HESS2 (Andreas Zech / Emmanuel Moulin) |
12:30 | Lunch break |
14:00 | Studying the hardness maps in HESS data (M. Dyrda, MPIK & IFJ) |
Tuesday Nov. 20, PM : Theoretical interpretation (chairman: Yves Gallant) |
14:20 | Fermi I and II acceleration (M. Ostrowski, UJ) |
15:00 | Hadronic processes in SNR (J. Niemiec, IFJ) |
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 | High energy emission of pulsars (J. Dyks, CAMK) |
16:30 | X-ray binaries as sources of high energy emission (A. Zdziarski, CAMK) |
17:00 | Extragalactic sources - SSC models (K. Katarzynski, TCfA) |
17:30 | Extragalactic sources - IC models (M. Sikora, CAMK) |
19:00 | Conference dinner |
Wednesday Nov. 21: Data analysis, practicalities and discussion (chairman: Tomek Bulik) |
9:00 | Micro-DSTs : usage and prospects (Nukri Komin) |
9:30 | Studies with event-by-event analyses (Giovanni Lamanna) |
10:00 | Organisation of our collaboration on analysis projects |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:30 | Practical examples with software librarians, questions of new users |
13:00 | End of workshop |