Updated 18 Apr 2012  
Simbol X
Planetary nebulae near and far
Compact Stars: structure, dynamics, and gravitational waves
Non-standard Approach to HESS Data Processing and Interpretation
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Physics of Warm Absorber in AGN «
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VIPERS Collaboration Meeting
Slim disk workshop
CTA SITE Workshop
Physical and chemical aspects of late stages of stellar evolution
The local universe: from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters
Extrasolar planets in multi-body systems: theory and observations
From the land of salt to the heavens of SALT
Evolution and chemistry of symbiotic stars, binary post-AGB and related objects
Planetary Nebulae as astronomical tools
Publications and reports
Physics of Warm Absorber in AGN
2nd Astro-PF Workshop at CAMK

The workshop will take place in Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw between 5 Oct and 7 Oct 2005 and it is mainly sponsored by LEA astro-PH (Polish-French) collaboration.

The workshop is organized by Agata Różańska (agata@camk.edu.pl), Bożena Czerny (bcz@camk.edu.pl) and Agnieszka Janiuk (agnes@camk.edu.pl) of CAMK, Warsaw.

Abstract of the workshop Main subject of the meeting is devoted to the physics of warm absorber in active galactic nuclei (AGN). The warm absorber became a hot topic since the new generations of X-ray satellites (Chandra XMM-Newton) ... (15 Sep 2005)
The list of participants (15 Sep 2005)
Abstracts and presentations The abstracts and presentations (in various formats) are available here (6 Dec 2005)
Workshop programme (19 Sep 2005)

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