
Wednesday Colloquium

 future talks and archive

The Colloquium takes place every Wednesday at 11:15 AM - Warsaw Copernicus Astronomical Centre online by means of Zoom platform. The Colloquium is given in English and chaired by dr Stanisław Bajtlik ( from outside of the Copernicus Center are very welcome to participate. For technical detailes please contact Dr. Stanislaw Bajtlik.


"Looking for the origin of gravitational wave mergers: the active galactic nuclei pathway"

Alessandro Trani (Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen)

Despite eight years since the initial detection of gravitational waves, the astrophysical origin of these phenomena remains elusive. Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in a novel gravitational wave formation pathway: the active galactic nuclei (AGN) channel. I will overview the main astrophysical mechanisms of gravitational wave sources formation and then describe the key features of the AGN channel, discussing our ongoing efforts in modeling compact objects within accretion disks in AGNs.


Special seminars


Journal Club

 future talks and archive

Journal Club takes place on Mondays at 11:15 AM in the Seminar Room. The presentation is given in English and is chaired by Journal Club Coordinators. Anyone interested in giving a Journal Club talk is encouraged to contact the email: journalclub(


"On emission lines in Weak-line quasars"

Piotr Życki (NCAC, Warsaw)

Based on from Wu et al. (Apr 2024)


The Bohdan Paczyński Memorial Colloquium



GeoPlanet Seminars
