Updated 18 Apr 2012  
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Non-standard Approach to HESS Data Processing and Interpretation
Gamma-Ray Bursts «
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Gamma-Ray Bursts
The circular (13 Oct 2006)

This is the first circular regarding the Gamma Ray Burst -Astro PF Workshop to be held in Warsaw in October 4-6. The main scope of the workshop will be to present and discuss the current status of observations of GRBs and their theoretical modeling, and also to discuss the results and status of the optical monitoring campaigns. We have come up with the preliminary list of participants which is available at the workshop web page.

We have also prepared a very preliminary programme at the site. The talks will be approximately 45 minutes and we plan to provide plenty of time for dicussions. The scientific sessions will last for two and a half days, and we will have a dinner on October 5.

There is no registration fee and the cost of the meeting are covered by the Astro-PF program. The meeting will take place in the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw.

We have set up a workshop email address: grb-pf@camk.edu.pl

We would like you to send us the titles of your presentations and the dates when you plan to arrive and leave Warsaw, so that we can arrange you accommodation.

Please distribute the information about the meeting to everyone interested.

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See also:

» Participants (Gamma-Ray Bursts)
» Programme (Gamma-Ray Bursts)
» Presentations (Gamma-Ray Bursts)

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