Degree: Ph.D.
Position: Post-Doc
Division: Astrophysics II (Warsaw)ORCID: 0000-0002-1662-5756
Office: 104
Phone: +48 223296104
Personal website: https://users.camk.edu.pl/pwielgor/
E-mail: pwielgor@camk.edu.pl
Piotr Wielgórski is a post-doc at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK) in Warsaw and a member of the Araucaria project working on the cosmic distance scale. He accomplished PhD studies in CAMK in 2022 and defended his PhD thesis entiteled “Classical and Type II Cepheids as cosmic distance indicators” supervised by prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Pietrzyński.
His research focuses on classical pulsating stars (Classical, Anomalous and Type II Cepheids, RR Lyrae, delta Scuti stars) in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, in particular on improving methods of distance measurements with these stars (Leavitt Law, Baade-Wesselink method). He work with photometric and spectroscopic data collected mainly with telescopes dedicated to the Araucaria project, located in the Rolf Chini Cerro Murphy Observatory, and with instruments offered by European Southern Observatory (ESO). Dr. Wielgórski conducted observations in the following observatories: Las Campanas (Chile), La Silla (Chile), Paranal (Chile), Cerro Murphy (Chile), South African Astronomical Observatory (Chile), Loiano (Italy), Ostrowik (Poland) and he has experience in calibrations and analysis of photometric (optical and near-infrared) and spectroscopic data.
Dr. Wielgórski is involved in the development of the Polish Observatory Cerro Murphy in Chile.
A list of and links to his publications are available from the NASA ADS database.