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 Autorzy (pracownicy CAMK)


1. Long-period maser-bearing Miras in the Galactic center. Period-luminosity relations and extinction estimates Lewis et al.

Górski, M.; Karczmarek, P.; Lewis, M.; Pietrzyński, G.

A&A 677, A153 (2023)
2. Magnetically threaded accretion disks in resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations and asymptotic expansion Čemeljić, M.; Kluźniak, W.; Parthasarathy, V.

Cemeljic, M.; Kluźniak, W.

A&A 678, A57 (2023)
3. Spectropolarimetry and spectral decomposition of high-accreting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies Śniegowska et al.

Panda, S.; Saraf, C.; Śniegowska, M.

A&A 678, A63 (2023)
4. Gaia Focused Product Release: Radial velocity time series of long-period variables Gaia Collaboration et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 680, A36 (2023)
5. Gaia Focused Product Release: Spatial distribution of two diffuse interstellar bands Gaia Collaboration et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 680, A38 (2023)
6. Gaia Focused Product Release: Asteroid orbital solution. Properties and assessment Gaia Collaboration et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 680, A37 (2023)
7. Evolution of rotating massive stars with new hydrodynamic wind models Gormaz-Matamala, A. C.; Cuadra, J.; Meynet, G.; Curé, M.

Gormaz-Matamala, A.

A&A 673, A109 (2023)
8. Constraining the cosmic-ray pressure in the inner Virgo Cluster using H.E.S.S. observations of M 87 H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 675, A138 (2023)
9. Recurrent mini-outbursts and a magnetic white dwarf in the symbiotic system FN Sgr Magdolen et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

A&A 675, A140 (2023)
10. Dust-driven wind as a model of broad absorption line quasars Naddaf et al.

Naddaf Moghaddam, M.; Śniegowska, M.

A&A 675, A43 (2023)
11. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. III. Interaction rates Ishchenko et al.

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 678, A69 (2023)
12. Internal gravity waves in massive stars. II. Frequency analysis across stellar mass Ratnasingam et al.

Chowdhury, S.; Handler, G.; Ratnasingam, R.

A&A 674, A134 (2023)
13. Thermal instability as a constraint for warm X-ray coronas in active galactic nuclei Gronkiewicz, Dominik; Różańska, Agata; Petrucci, Pierre-Olivier; Belmont, Renaud

Gronkiewicz, D.; Różańska, A.

A&A 675, A198 (2023)
14. Merging galaxy clusters in IllustrisTNG Łokas, Ewa L.

Łokas, E.

A&A 673, A131 (2023)
15. Lithium in red novae and their remnants Kamiński et al.

Frankowski, A.; Kamiński, T.; Schmidt, M.

A&A 672, A196 (2023)
16. Chronology of the chemical enrichment of the old Galactic stellar populations Giribaldi, R. E.; Smiljanic, R.

Escate Giribaldi, R.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 673, A18 (2023)
17. Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of intermediate-redshift quasars HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312: Dissecting Mg II, optical Fe II, and UV Fe II emission regions Prince et al.

Olejak, A.; Pietrzyński, G.; Sarna, M.; Śniegowska, M.

A&A 678, A189 (2023)
18. Dynamics of supermassive black hole triples in the ROMULUS25 cosmological simulation Koehn, H.; Just, A.; Berczik, P.; Tremmel, M.

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 678, A11 (2023)
19. HARPS-N high spectral resolution observations of Cepheids. II. The impact of the surface-brightness color relation on the Baade-Wesselink projection factor of η Aql Nardetto et al.

Górski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Hocdé, V.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Taormina, M.; Wielgórski, P.; Zgirski, B.

A&A 671, A14 (2023)
20. Metallicity estimations of MW, SMC, and LMC classical Cepheids from the shape of the V- and I-band light curves Hocdé et al.

Hocdé, V.; Moskalik, P.; Rathour, R.; Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.

A&A 671, A157 (2023)
21. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Preparing the ground for 4MOST and WEAVE galactic surveys. Chemical evolution of lithium with machine learning Nepal et al.

Linhares Dantas, M.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 671, A61 (2023)
22. Discovery of the luminous X-ray ignition eRASSt J234402.9−352640. I. Tidal disruption event or a rapid increase in accretion in an active galactic nucleus? Homan et al.

Krishnan, S.; Markowitz, A.; Saha, T.

A&A 672, A167 (2023)
23. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Chemical evolution of Mg and Al in the Milky Way with machine learning Ambrosch et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 672, A46 (2023)
24. HESS J1809−193: A halo of escaped electrons around a pulsar wind nebula? H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 672, A103 (2023)
25. Detection of extended γ-ray emission around the Geminga pulsar with H.E.S.S. H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 673, A148 (2023)
26. Peering into the tilted heart of Cyg X-1 with high-precision optical polarimetry Kravtsov et al.

Zdziarski, A.

A&A 678, A58 (2023)
27. A high-resolution study of near-IR diffuse interstellar bands, search for small-scale structure, time variability, and stellar features Smoker et al.

Minniti, J.

A&A 672, A181 (2023)
28. Modified models of radiation pressure instability applied to 10, 10<SUP>5</SUP>, and 10<SUP>7</SUP> M<SUB>⊙</SUB> accreting black holes Śniegowska, Marzena; Grzȩdzielski, Mikołaj; Czerny, Bożena; Janiuk, Agnieszka

Śniegowska, M.

A&A 672, A19 (2023)
29. The Araucaria project: High-precision orbital parallaxes and masses of binary stars. I. VLTI/GRAVITY observations of ten double-lined spectroscopic binaries Gallenne et al.

Graczyk, D.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.

A&A 672, A119 (2023)
30. Dark dust. III. The high-quality single-cloud reddening curve sample: Scrutinizing extinction curves in the Milky Way Siebenmorgen et al.

Chini, R.

A&A 676, A132 (2023)
31. Gaia Focused Product Release: Sources from Service Interface Function image analysis. Half a million new sources in omega Centauri Gaia Collaboration et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 680, A35 (2023)
32. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Homogenisation of stellar parameters and elemental abundances Hourihane et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 676, A129 (2023)
33. The Gaia-ESO survey: Placing constraints on the origin of r-process elements Van der Swaelmen et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 670, A129 (2023)
34. LSTM and CNN application for core-collapse supernova search in gravitational wave real data Iess et al.

Morawski, F.

A&A 669, A42 (2023)
35. Deciphering the extreme X-ray variability of the nuclear transient eRASSt J045650.3−203750. A likely repeating partial tidal disruption event Liu et al.

Markowitz, A.

A&A 669, A75 (2023)
36. Short-period pulsating hot-subdwarf stars observed by TESS. I. Southern ecliptic hemisphere Baran et al.

Sahoo, S.; Sanjayan, S.

A&A 669, A48 (2023)
37. Trends in torques acting on the star during a star-disk magnetospheric interaction Čemeljić, M.; Brun, A. S.

Cemeljic, M.

A&A 679, A16 (2023)
38. Preprocessing in small groups: Three simulated galaxies interacting prior to cluster infall Łokas, Ewa L.

Łokas, E.

A&A 678, A147 (2023)
39. The Gaia-ESO survey: Mapping the shape and evolution of the radial abundance gradients with open clusters Magrini et al.

Linhares Dantas, M.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 669, A119 (2023)
40. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Old super-metal-rich visitors from the inner Galaxy Dantas et al.

Linhares Dantas, M.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 669, A96 (2023)
41. Exploring the chemodynamics of metal-poor stellar populations da Silva, A. R.; Smiljanic, R.

da Silva, A.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 677, A74 (2023)
42. Sounding Interiors of Four Pulsating Subdwarf B Stars with Stellar Pulsations Baran, A.; Sanjayan, S.

Sanjayan, S.

AcA 73, 21 (2023)
43. Variable Star Population in the Open Cluster NGC 6819 Observed by the Kepler Spacecraft Sanjayan, S.; Baran, A. S.; Németh, P.; Kinemuchi, K.

Sanjayan, S.

AcA 72, 267 (2023)
44. VaTEST. II. Statistical Validation of 11 TESS-detected Exoplanets Orbiting K-type Stars Mistry et al.

Hełminiak, K.

AJ 166, 9 (2023)
45. Variable Blue Straggler Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 6819 Observed in the Kepler "Superstamp" Field Guzik et al.

Sanjayan, S.

AJ 165, 188 (2023)
46. Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to spectral signatures of hadronic PeVatrons with application to Galactic Supernova Remnants Acero et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.

APh 150, 102850 (2023)
47. Study of cosmogenic activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k experiment Elersich et al.

Ahmad, I.; Hugues, T.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Nieradka, G.; Wada, M.; Walczak, M.; Wojaczyński, R.; Zabihi, A.; Zakhary, P.

APh 152, 102878 (2023)
48. Long-term Quasiperiodicity in LMXB 4U 1636-536 Wiśniewicz et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 944, 214 (2023)
49. Chemical Mixing Induced by Internal Gravity Waves in Intermediate-mass Stars Varghese et al.

Ratnasingam, R.

ApJ 942, 53 (2023)
50. Effective Temperature Estimations from Line Depth Ratios in the H- and K-band Spectra of IGRINS Afşar et al.

Özdemir, S.

ApJ 949, 86 (2023)
51. Constraints on the Cosmic Expansion History from GWTC-3 Abbott et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.

ApJ 949, 76 (2023)
52. Searching for TeV Dark Matter in Irregular Dwarf Galaxies with HAWC Observatory Alfaro et al.

Karukes, E.

ApJ 945, 25 (2023)
53. Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar PKS 0735+178 in Spatial and Temporal Coincidence with an Astrophysical Neutrino Candidate IceCube-211208A Acharyya et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 954, 70 (2023)
54. Abundances and Transients from Neutron Star-White Dwarf Mergers Kaltenborn et al.

Belczyński, K.

ApJ 956, 71 (2023)
55. Exploring the Origin of Stars on Bound and Unbound Orbits Causing Tidal Disruption Events Zhong et al.

Bertsyk, P.

ApJ 959, 19 (2023)
56. New Near-infrared Period-Luminosity-Metallicity Relations for Galactic RR Lyrae Stars Based on Gaia EDR3 Parallaxes Zgirski et al.

Chini, R.; Górski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Kałuszyński, M.; Lewis, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Rojas García, G.; Suchomska, K.; Taormina, M.; Wielgórski, P.; Zgirski, B.

ApJ 951, 114 (2023)
57. Synthetic Population of Binary Cepheids. II. The Effect of Companion Light on the Extragalactic Distance Scale Karczmarek et al.

Belczyński, K.; Hajdu, G.; Karczmarek, P.; Pietrzyński, G.; Smolec, R.; Wiktorowicz, G.

ApJ 950, 182 (2023)
58. Three-dimensional Simulations of Massive Stars. II. Age Dependence Vanon et al.

Ratnasingam, R.

ApJ 954, 171 (2023)
59. Symmetry Breaking in Merging Binary Black Holes from Young Massive Clusters and Isolated Binaries Banerjee, Sambaran; Olejak, Aleksandra; Belczynski, Krzysztof

Belczyński, K.; Olejak, A.

ApJ 953, 80 (2023)
60. Period-Luminosity Relations for Galactic Classical Cepheids in the Sloan Bands Narloch et al.

Górski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Narloch, W.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wielgórski, P.; Zgirski, B.

ApJ 953, 14 (2023)
61. Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB during the LIGO-Virgo Observing Run O3a Abbott et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Sur, A.

ApJ 955, 155 (2023)
62. Constraining X-Ray Variability of the Blazar 3C 273 Using XMM-Newton Observations over Two Decades Dinesh et al.

Adhikari, T.

ApJ 955, 121 (2023)
63. A New Sample of Transient Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources Serendipitously Discovered by Swift/XRT Brightman et al.

Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.

ApJ 951, 51 (2023)
64. Crustal Failure as a Tool to Probe Hybrid Stars Pereira, Jonas P.; Bejger, Michał; Haensel, Paweł; Zdunik, Julian Leszek

Bejger, M.; Haensel, P.; Pereira, J.; Zdunik, J.

ApJ 950, 185 (2023)
65. Formation and Evolution of Transient Jets and Their Cavities in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries Sikora, Marek; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.

Sikora, M.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 954, L30 (2023)
66. Confronting the Neutron Star Population with Inverse Cascades Sarin, Nikhil; Brandenburg, Axel; Haskell, Brynmor

Haskell, B.

ApJL 952, L21 (2023)
67. Can Neutron Star Mergers Alone Explain the r-process Enrichment of the Milky Way? Kobayashi et al.

Belczyński, K.

ApJL 943, L12 (2023)
68. Auroras on Planets around Pulsars Mishra, R.; Cemeljic, M.; Varela, J.; Falanga, M.

Cemeljic, M.; Mishra, R.

ApJL 959, L13 (2023)
69. Symbiotic Star T CrB as an Extreme SU UMa-type Dwarf Nova Iłkiewicz, Krystian; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Stoyanov, Kiril A.

Mikołajewska, J.

ApJL 953, L7 (2023)
70. H.E.S.S. Follow-up Observations of GRB 221009A Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 946, L27 (2023)
71. The Vanishing of the Primary Emission Region in PKS 1510-089 Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 952, L38 (2023)
72. Constraints on the Intergalactic Magnetic Field Using Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. Blazar Observations Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 950, L16 (2023)
73. No Need for an Extreme Jet Energy in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1348-630 Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Sikora, Marek; Szanecki, Michał; Böttcher, Markus

Sikora, M.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 947, L32 (2023)
74. Evidence for a Black Hole Spin-Orbit Misalignment in the X-Ray Binary Cyg X-1 Zdziarski et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 951, L45 (2023)
75. A 9 Month Hubble Space Telescope Near-UV Survey of M87. I. Light and Color Curves of 94 Novae, and a Redetermination of the Nova Rate Shara et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

ApJS 269, 42 (2023)
76. Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA): Time-dependent Convection, Energy Conservation, Automatic Differentiation, and Infrastructure Jermyn et al.

Smolec, R.

ApJS 265, 15 (2023)
77. The GW Vir Instability Strip in Light of New Observations of PG 1159 Stars: Discovery of Pulsations in the Central Star of A72 and Variability of RX J0122.9-7521 Sowicka et al.

Handler, G.; Sowicka, P.

ApJS 269, 32 (2023)
78. Open Data from the Third Observing Run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO Abbott et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Nieradka, G.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.; Yadav, N.

ApJS 267, 29 (2023)
79. Accretion disks, quasars and cosmology: meandering towards understanding Czerny et al.

Śniegowska, M.

Ap&SS 368, 8 (2023)
80. Search for postmerger gravitational waves from binary neutron star mergers using a matched-filtering statistic Królak et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.

CQGra 40, 215008 (2023)
81. Virgo detector characterization and data quality: tools Acernese et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.

CQGra 40, 185005 (2023)
82. Virgo detector characterization and data quality: results from the O3 run Acernese et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.

CQGra 40, 185006 (2023)
83. Precision measurement of the specific activity of 3<SUP>9</SUP>Ar in atmospheric argon with the DEAP-3600 detector Adhikari et al.

Choudhary, S.; Hugues, T.; Kuźniak, M.; Roszkowski, L.; Walczak, M.

EPJC 83, 642 (2023)
84. Search for low mass dark matter in DarkSide-50: the bayesian network approach Agnes et al.

Kimura, M.; Wada, M.

EPJC 83, 322 (2023)
85. Measurement of isotopic separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation plant Aria for dark matter searches Aaron et al.

Ahmad, I.; Hugues, T.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Wada, M.; Walczak, M.; Wojaczyński, R.; Zabihi, A.; Zakhary, P.

EPJC 83, 453 (2023)
86. Muon and electron (g -2 ) anomalies with non-holomorphic interactions in MSSM Ali, Md. Isha; Chakraborti, Manimala; Chattopadhyay, Utpal; Mukherjee, Samadrita

Chakraborti, M.

EPJC 83, 60 (2023)
87. Isospin-violating dark matter at liquid noble detectors: new constraints, future projections, and an exploration of target complementarity Cheek, Andrew; Price, Darren D.; Sandford, Ellen M.

Cheek, A.

EPJC 83, 914 (2023)
88. Dusty plasma in active galactic nuclei Czerny et al.

Naddaf Moghaddam, M.; Różańska, A.; Śniegowska, M.

EPJD 77, 56 (2023)
89. The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase Barret et al.

Różańska, A.; Woźniak, G.; Zuchniak, M.

ExA 55, 373 (2023)
90. Beryllium abundances in turn-off stars of globular clusters with the CUBES spectrograph Giribaldi, R. E.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

Escate Giribaldi, R.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

ExA 55, 117 (2023)
91. Detecting weak beryllium lines with CUBES Smiljanic, Rodolfo; da Silva, André R.; Giribaldi, Riano E.

da Silva, A.; Escate Giribaldi, R.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

ExA 55, 95 (2023)
92. The CUBES science case Evans et al.

da Silva, A.; Escate Giribaldi, R.; Pilecki, B.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

ExA 55, 1 (2023)
93. CUBES phase a design overview Zanutta et al.

Kałuszyński, M.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

ExA 55, 241 (2023)
94. Photochemical origin of SiC2 in the circumstellar envelope of carbon-rich AGB stars revealed by ALMA Feng et al.

Szczerba, R.

FrASS 10, 1215642 (2023)
95. SiPM cross-talk in liquid argon detectors Boulay et al.

Choudhary, S.; Kuźniak, M.; Nieradka, G.

FrP 11, 1181400 (2023)
96. Temporal variations of the ambient seismic field at the Sardinia candidate site of the Einstein Telescope Di Giovanni et al.

Ensing, J.

GeoJI 234, 1943 (2023)
97. Design and acoustic tests of the ATHENA WFI filter wheel assembly development model towards TRL5 Polak et al.

Różańska, A.; Woźniak, G.; Zuchniak, M.

JATIS 9, 024002 (2023)
98. Search for the evaporation of primordial black holes with H.E.S.S. Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

JCAP 2023, 040 (2023)
99. Dark matter axions in the early universe with a period of increasing temperature Arias, Paola; Bernal, Nicolás; Osiński, Jacek K.; Roszkowski, Leszek

Osinski, J.; Roszkowski, L.

JCAP 2023, 028 (2023)
100. Towards detecting super-GeV dark matter via annihilation to neutrinos Salvador Miranda et al.

Cheek, A.

JCAP 2023, 006 (2023)
101. Dark matter production through a non-thermal flavon portal 10.1007/jhep03(2023)149 Cheek, Andrew; Osiński, Jacek K.; Roszkowski, Leszek; Trojanowski, Sebastian

Cheek, A.; Osinski, J.; Roszkowski, L.; Trojanowski, S.

JHEP 2023, 149 (2023)
102. A direct detection view of the neutrino NSI landscape Amaral, Dorian; Cerdeño, David; Cheek, Andrew; Foldenauer, Patrick

Cheek, A.

JHEP 2023, 71 (2023)
103. Denoising gravitational-wave signals from binary black holes with a dilated convolutional autoencoder Bacon, Philippe; Trovato, Agata; Bejger, Michał

Bejger, M.

MLS&T 4, 035024 (2023)
104. Hot accretion flows in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei in NGC 4258 and NGC 7213 Szanecki, Michał; Niedźwiecki, Andrzej; Wojaczyński, Rafał

Wojaczyński, R.

MNRAS 521, 2215 (2023)
105. The DRAGON-II simulations - II. Formation mechanisms, mass, and spin of intermediate-mass black holes in star clusters with up to 1 million stars Arca Sedda et al.

Bertsyk, P.; Giersz, M.

MNRAS 526, 429 (2023)
106. Photometric metallicities of fundamental-mode RR Lyr stars from Gaia G band photometry of globular-cluster variables Jurcsik, Johanna; Hajdu, Gergely

Hajdu, G.

MNRAS 525, 3486 (2023)
107. Ultraluminous X-ray sources are beamed Lasota, Jean-Pierre; King, Andrew

Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.

MNRAS 526, 2506 (2023)
108. A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS Full Frame Images III. An update on variable targets in both ecliptic hemispheres – contamination analysis and new sdB pulsators Sahoo et al.

Sahoo, S.

MNRAS 519, 2486 (2023)
109. First overtone Cepheids of the OGLE Magellanic Cloud Collection - beyond radial modes Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.; Ochalik, M.; Śniegowska, M.

Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.

MNRAS 519, 4010 (2023)
110. Internal kinematics of dwarf satellites of MW/M31-like galaxies in TNG50 Martínez-García et al.

Łokas, E.

MNRAS 526, 3589 (2023)
111. Type II and anomalous Cepheids in the Kepler K2 mission Jurkovic et al.

Moskalik, P.

MNRAS 518, 642 (2023)
112. Effect of geometrically thin discs on precessing, thick flows: relevance to type-C QPOs Bollimpalli, D. A.; Fragile, P. C.; Kluźniak, W.

Bollimpalli, A.; Kluźniak, W.

MNRAS 520, L79 (2023)
113. Stochastic processes for pulsar timing noise: fluctuations in the internal and external torques Antonelli, Marco; Basu, Avishek; Haskell, Brynmor

Antonelli, M.; Haskell, B.

MNRAS 520, 2813 (2023)
114. Detection of Einstein telescope gravitational wave signals from binary black holes using deep learning Alhassan, Wathela; Bulik, T.; Suchenek, M.

Alhassan, W.; Bulik, T.; Suchenek, M.

MNRAS 519, 3843 (2023)
115. HD 42477: coupled r modes, g modes, and a p mode in an A0Vnne star Kurtz et al.

Handler, G.; Sowicka, P.

MNRAS 521, 4765 (2023)
116. Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to TeV photon emission from the Large Magellanic Cloud Acharyya et al.

Borkowski, J.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

MNRAS 523, 5353 (2023)
117. Evidence for scattering of curvature radiation in radio pulsar profiles Dyks, J.

Dyks, J.

MNRAS 522, 1480 (2023)
118. Modelling photometric reverberation mapping data for the next generation of big data surveys. Quasar accretion discs sizes with the LSST Pozo Nuñez et al.

Pietrzyński, G.

MNRAS 522, 2002 (2023)
119. The Gaia-ESO Survey: empirical estimates of stellar ages from lithium equivalent widths (EAGLES) Jeffries et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

MNRAS 523, 802 (2023)
120. The phase structure of cosmic ray driven outflows in stream fed disc galaxies Peschken et al.

Gawryszczak, A.

MNRAS 522, 5529 (2023)
121. MOCCA-Survey Database: extra galactic globular clusters - III. The population of black holes in Milky Way and Andromeda-like galaxies Leveque et al.

Giersz, M.; Leveque, A.; Olejak, A.

MNRAS 520, 2593 (2023)
122. Astrophysical cloaking of a naked singularity Vieira, Ronaldo S. S.; Kluźniak, Włodek

Kluźniak, W.

MNRAS 523, 4615 (2023)
123. Accretion disc backflow in resistive MHD simulations Mishra, R.; Čemeljić, M.; Kluźniak, W.

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124. Spectral and polarization properties of reflected X-ray emission from black-hole accretion discs for a distant observer: the lamp-post model Podgorný et al.

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125. Catching a nova X-ray/UV flash in the visible? Early spectroscopy of the very slow Nova Velorum 2022 (Gaia22alz) Aydi et al.

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126. The role of stellar expansion on the formation of gravitational wave sources Romagnolo et al.

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127. Everything that glitters is not gold: V1315 Cas is not a dormant black hole Zak et al.

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128. Comprehensive spectroscopic and photometric study of pulsating eclipsing binary star AI Hya Kahraman Aliçavuş et al.

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129. Detached eclipsing binaries in compact hierarchical triples: triple-lined systems BD+442258 and KIC 06525196 Moharana et al.

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130. Chemical abundance analysis of symbiotic giants. Metallicity and CNO abundance patterns in 14 northern S-type systems Gałan, Cezary; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Joyce, Richard R.

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131. Discovery of a radiation component from the Vela pulsar reaching 20 teraelectronvolts H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

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132. A calibration point for stellar evolution from massive star asteroseismology Burssens et al.

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133. Astrophysics with continuous gravitational waves Haskell, B.; Bejger, M.

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134. Ultraluminous X-ray sources King, Andrew; Lasota, Jean-Pierre; Middleton, Matthew

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135. FLArE up dark sectors with EM form factors at the LHC forward physics facility Kling, Felix; Kuo, Jui-Lin; Trojanowski, Sebastian; Tsai, Yu-Dai

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136. Broadband X-Ray Spectral Analysis of the ULX NGC 1313 X-1 Using JeTCAF: Origin of the ULX Bubble Palit, Biswaraj; Mondal, Santanu

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137. Extended analysis of neutrino-dark matter interactions with small-scale CMB experiments Brax et al.

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138. Modified Urca neutrino emissivity at finite temperature Suleiman, Lami; Oertel, Micaela; Mancini, Marco

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139. Hydrodynamical constraints on the bubble wall velocity Krajewski, Tomasz; Lewicki, Marek; Zych, Mateusz

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140. Evaporation of primordial black holes in the early Universe: Mass and spin distributions Cheek, Andrew; Heurtier, Lucien; Perez-Gonzalez, Yuber F.; Turner, Jessica

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141. Iteratively comparing gravitational-wave observations to the evolution of massive stellar binaries Delfavero et al.

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142. Investigating the fluxes and physics potential of LHC neutrino experiments Kling, Felix; Mäkelä, Toni; Trojanowski, Sebastian

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143. Search for low-mass dark matter WIMPs with 12 ton-day exposure of DarkSide-50 Agnes et al.

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144. Dark matter and baryogenesis from visible-sector long-lived particles Allahverdi, Rouzbeh; Loc, Ngo Phuc Duc; Osiński, Jacek K.

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145. Simulating bulk viscosity in neutron stars. II. Evolution in spherical symmetry Camelio et al.

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147. Sensitivity projections for a dual-phase argon TPC optimized for light dark matter searches through the ionization channel Agnes et al.

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148. Search for Dark-Matter-Nucleon Interactions via Migdal Effect with DarkSide-50 Agnes et al.

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149. Frequency-Dependent Squeezed Vacuum Source for the Advanced Virgo Gravitational-Wave Detector Acernese et al.

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150. Search for Dark Matter Particle Interactions with Electron Final States with DarkSide-50 Agnes et al.

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151. GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the Second Part of the Third Observing Run Abbott et al.

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152. Population of Merging Compact Binaries Inferred Using Gravitational Waves through GWTC-3 Abbott et al.

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153. Indirect detection of long-lived particles in a rich dark sector with a dark vector portal Jodłowski, K.; Roszkowski, L.; Trojanowski, S.

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154. Direct imaging and astrometric detection of a gas giant planet orbiting an accelerating star Currie et al.

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156. Matching Slowly Rotating Spacetimes Split by Dynamic Thin Shells Pereira, Jonas P.; Rueda, Jorge A.

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