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Research Scholarship in Numerical Simulations of Relativistic Jets

Dr. Krzysztof Nalewajko from the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CAMK PAN), as the principal investigator of the research project “Global numerical simulations of relativistic jets” financed by the National Science Center (NCN) through the grant 2024/53/B/ST9/03747, announces a call for an NCN scholarship amounting to 1170 PLN gross monthly for the period from March 1st, 2025 to September 30th, 2026. The task of the recipient of this scholarship will be to perform and analyze the results of numerical simulations of relativistic jets. Eligible candidates are Ph.D. students of astronomy with experience in numerical simulations using the method of general-relativistic magneto-hydro-dynamics. Applications should include:

(1) a motivation letter (1 page),

(2) a CV (including education history and experience in research projects),

(3) a list of publications,

(4) a signed GDPR declaration [1], and

(5) a confirmation of the Ph.D. student status (for candidates outside CAMK PAN).

Application can be supported by a separate reference letter. Applications and reference letters should be sent via e-mail to recruitment@camk.edu.pl by February 16th, 2025. Application materials will be reviewed by the recruitment committee according to the NCN rules [2]. This call shall be concluded by February 21st, 2025. Additional information can be obtained from Dr. Nalewajko (knalew@camk.edu.pl).


[1] https://www.camk.edu.pl/en/about/ochrona-danych-osobowych/

[2] https://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly-rady/2024/uchwala25_2024-zal1_ang.pdf

