The “2nd Roman Juszkiewicz Symposium'' (https://romansymposium.com.pl) will be held onsite (with a hybrid option) from 26th to 30th September 2022 in Warsaw, at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center. The programme will include 5 different science-themed sessions, and the Session Leaders together with the Science Advisory Board are now working towards the final shape of the agenda. Registration and abstract submission are still open, with a deadline for registration is September 10th and for abstracts is September 5th.
Please see below for the scope of the sessions. More information can be found at the webpage https://romansymposium.com.pl/ where it is possible to register and apply for a talk.
1. Large-scale structure
Session leaders: Luigi Guzzo & Ravi Sheth
This session will focus on the insights from the current data and tensions emerging from observations of the large-scale cosmic density and velocity fields. Including H0-tension, S8 problem, and more. Some focus will be given to the present and upcoming BigData projects in cosmology (LSST, DESI, Euclid, SKA).
2. Galaxy formation and evolution
Session leader: Lingyu Wang
Here, the talks will revolve around topics related to small and non-linear scales of cosmic structure formation, the domain of luminous, yet turbulent, galaxies. We aim to provide a good mixture of the modelers' (simulators) and observers’ perspectives. Hot topics will include, but will not be limited to galaxy evolution(nature vs nurture), assembly bias, and scaling relation.
3. Local Universe and the nearfield cosmology
Session leaders: Noam Libeskind & Azadeh Fattahi
Our most intimate cosmic neighbourhood. Some define it as only the structures in the closest vicinity of the Local Group, others would include all that we see even up to ~100 Mpc or more. The questions we want to ask and get some answers to in this session will concern our local cosmography, the cosmic web, and what we can learn about the LCDM and the underlying physics by studying the Local Universe.
4. High-energy astrophysics & multimessenger cosmology
Session leader: Angelo Ricciardone
Everything from cosmic rays to gamma-ray bursts and supermassive black holes that power the central AGN engines to the eerie cries of merging black holes. The age of going beyond radio and optical bandwidths of electromagnetic radiation is on. Now we live in a new era where we can learn and infer about the Cosmos from multiple different messenger particles and waves. This is a very exciting avenue when all that is extreme meet, whether it would be light and particle energies or time-space curvatures and gravitational fields.
5. Beyond LCDM
Session leader: Enrique Gaztañaga
Our standard model of cosmology, old and familiar LCDM, is a great accomplishment and feat by all standards. Yet, for sure, it cannot be our last word about the Universe. We are sure that either due to its large phenomenological character (what is Dark Matter? What is Dark Energy?), or due to emerging cracks and inconsistencies with the data, the model will have to be someday extended or even replaced by a new, and better theory. While we wait for such a better theory to emerge, the hunt and exploration for all possible extensions to the vanilla LCDM are ongoing. These hunts bear some very interesting fruits. This session will be devoted to such searches and results, including topics like modified gravity and warm dark matter.
On behalf of the LOC & SAB,