A research group led by Prof. Tomasz Kamiński from the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Toruń … more The first Polish project on the James Webb Space Telescope»
A significant discovery has provided new insights into our understanding of classical Cepheid stars. These pulsating … more New discovery sheds light on the origin of classical Cepheids»
All large galaxies contain a supermassive object in their nucleus. Some of these are very powerful … more Powerful outflows in distant galaxies a smoking gun of gravitational repulsion?»
November 25, 2024 – Last November 4th a contract was signed to fund the conceptual … more The European Union Funds The Conceptual Study of the Wide Field Spectroscopic Telescope»
Spinning black holes accreting magnetized plasma can accumulate large magnetic fluxes across their horizons. Such magnetic … more How to trigger a magnetic flux eruption from accreting black hole?»
In May 2023, shortly after the start of the fourth LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run, the LIGO Livingston … more LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration detected a neutron star--low-mass gap object inspiral»
Black holes are extraordinary celestial bodies, with gravitational forces so powerful that within a black hole’s … more Researchers Prove Validity of Black Hole Jet Formation Model»
In a remarkable study, Abramowicz, Jaroszyński, and Sikora (1978) computed the hydrodynamical structure of an accretion … more Equilibrium tori orbiting Reissner-Nordström naked singularities»
The first confirmed extrasolar planets were found by Alex Wolszczan and Dale A. Frail (1992). They … more Auroras on Planets around Pulsars»
Exactly 10 years ago, on 21 November 2013, the first Polish astronomical scientific satellite named "BRITE-Lem", … more BRITE-Lem: 10 years in space»