Degree: Master degree
Position: Professor
Division: Astrophysics II (Warsaw)ORCID: 0000-0001-7476-9160
Office: —
Phone: +48 223296221201824
Personal website: https://piotrgawron.eu
E-mail: gawron@camk.edu.pl
Private e-mail: gawron@camk.edu.pl
Quantum computing, quantum machine learning. Piotr Gawron received his magister title in computer science from the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, his doctoral degree in technical sciences from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice, Poland, and his habilitation degree from the faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics, and Computer Science from the Silesian University of Technology in 2003, 2008, and 2014, respectively. Prof. Piotr Gawron is a computer scientist specialising in quantum computing and artificial intelligence methods. He has managed five scientific projects in this field. He has participated in over a dozen research projects in both basic and industrial research. Professionally associated with institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and AGH. For eighteen years, he was a member of the Quantum Systems of Informatics Group at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice. Since his fourth year of studies, he has been involved in research in quantum computing. Previously, he was involved in research on quantum games, quantum walks, simulation of noise-laden quantum computers, quantum programming languages, quantum control, numerical shadows and tensor networks. He was the leader of the Scientific Computing and Information Technology research group at the AstroCeNT facility of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre, where he led research on the application of machine learning methods to the analysis of signals from gravitational wave and dark matter detectors. He is currently leader of a research team at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences which is studying the application of quantum machine learning to the processing of Earth observation image data, the application of quantum and classical machine learning techniques to gravitational waves and dark matter detection. He leads also a team in AGH Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence, where he focuses on quantum data fusion as part of the ARTIQ project. He is a visiting professor at the European Space Agency in the Phi-lab@ESRIN laboratory in Italy. He is involved in popularising science at fantasy conventions. He is co-author of a comic book on quantum computing entitled. ‘State Revolution — A Fantastic Introduction to Quantum Computer Science’.