(University of Toronto, Canada)
Pawel Artymowicz studied astronomy and physics at Warsaw University, and worked on his PhD thesis (defended at CAMK) at Space Telescope Sci. Institute in Baltimore. He was a NASA Hubble Fellow at UC Santa Cruz in California, senior researcher and assistant prof. in Stockholm University, and from 2005 full prof. of Physics and Astrophysics at University of Toronto. His highly cited work deals with the origin and evolution of binary and planetary systems, both analytically and numerically. He builds supercomputing clusters. Following a Polish presidential plane catastrophe in 2010, as scientist and pilot with 22 years of experience he has helped to investigate the details of the accident.
Thesis title: Fale gęstości w galaktykach
Supervisor: Wojciech Dziembowski
Year of defence: 1990
(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany)
Thesis title: Widmo liniowe kwazarów
Supervisor: Bożena Czerny
Year of defence: 1991
(Chandra X-ray Center of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
Aneta Siemiginowska is a Senior Astrophysicist at the Chandra X-ray Center of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. She has worked in both theoretical and observational aspects of X-ray astronomy with interests in extragalactic radio sources, quasars, powerful jets and statistical methods. She is a founding member of the CHASC Astrostatistics Center, promoting collaborations between astrophysicists and statisticians. Her main statistical interests include principled and advanced statistical methods for high energy astrophysics data. She studies extragalactic radio sources and quasars, and has discovered a number of hundred-kiloparsec long relativistic X-ray jets associated with distant quasars.
Thesis title: Thin accretion disks in Active Galactic Nuclei: theory and observations
Supervisor: Bożena Czerny
Year of defence: 1991
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Toruń)
Ryszard Szczerba was born and raised in Warmia, in north-eastern Poland. He studied theoretical physics and mathematics at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, obtaining a master's degree in theoretical physics (in particular quantum mechanics). His interests changed, however, and in 1991 he obtained a PhD in astrophysics at our Institute under the supervision of prof. Romuald Tylenda. One of the results of this work was the photoionization code used by others, but also included in the time-dependent photoionization code developed by students and collaborators of prof. Detlef Schoenberner. After obtaining his PhD, he completed a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris working with prof. Alain Omont, and then a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Calgary working with prof. Sun Kwok. After returning to CAMK in 1995, he developed collaboration with many groups and individuals in Europe and beyond, incl. Profs. Grażyna Stasińska (Muedon), Detlef Schoenberner (Kiel / Potsdam), Thomas Henning (Jena / Heidelberg), Peisheng Chen (Kunming), Biwei Jiang (Beijng), Jurgen Stutzki (Koeln), and Drs. Pedro Garcia-Lario (ESAC/Madrid), Kevin Volk (Baltimore), Dr. Eric Lagadec (Nice). In 2000, he obtained his habilitation at CAMK for the work "Stationary and hydrodynamic models of dust-gas envelopes around AGB and post-AGB stars: analysis of infrared spectral features". In 2008, he received the title of professor from the President of the Republic of Poland and was appointed to the position of professor at CAMK. His interests are mainly related to the study of evolved stars by means of space based observations in infrared and at submillimeter spectral range. He was the lead co-I for Poland on the Herschel / HIFI instrument and a member of the SPICA Heads of Nations before the mission was removed from the M5 competition by ESA. Since 2015, he is serving as the Chairman of the Scientific Council of our Institute.
Thesis title: Testing the evolution of planetary nebulae with distance-independent methods
Supervisor: Romuald Tylenda
Year of defence: 1991
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Thesis title: Efekt Comptona i proces produkcji par pozyton-elektron w astrofizyce wysokich energii
Supervisor: Andrzej Zdziarski
Year of defence: 1991
(Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
Thesis title: Alaliza fotoelektrycznych krzywych zmian blasku układów typu algola z dyskami akrecyjnymi: RZ Oph i KU Cyg
Supervisor: Józef Smak
Year of defence: 1991
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Thesis title: Wtórne grawitacyjne anizotropie mikrofalowego promieniowania tła
Supervisor: Marek Demiański
Year of defence: 1994
(University of Białystok, Poland)
Thesis title: Analysis of the Gravitational Wave Signal from a Compact Binary System
Supervisor: Andrzej Królak
Year of defence: 1994
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie, France)
Thesis title: Całkowanie równania Boltzmanna dla fotonów w rozszerzającym się Wszechświecie
Supervisor: Marek Demiański
Year of defence: 1994
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Piotr Zycki started working in CAMK as research assistant in 1991. He got his PhD in 1995 and then spent three years at University of Durham (UK) as a post-doc, collaborating with Chris Done. After returning to CAMK he continues his research in Warsaw. He obtained the 'habilitacja' degree in 2002. In 2008 he received the title of professor. His research interests revolve around accretion onto compact objects, mostly black holes. He has done various aspects of data analysis and simulations on spectral and temporal properties of X-ray emission from accretion flows. He is especially interested in properties of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) in X-rays, which he studies with the goal of constraining possible models of QPO. He is also involved with the institute administration and management, serving as the institute director 2014-2022.
Thesis title: X-Ray Emission and Reprocessing in Active Galactic Nuclei
Supervisor: Andrzej Zdziarski
Year of defence: 1995
(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany)
Thesis title: The Long - and Short - Timescale Light Variations in Symbiotic Stars
Supervisor: Joanna Mikołajewska
Year of defence: 1996
(University of Lodz, Poland)
Thesis title: The Effect of Electron-Positron Pair Production and Thermal Conduction in Compact Objects
Supervisor: Andrzej Zdziarski
Year of defence: 1996
Thesis title: Variable Radiation From Jets and x/gamma Emission From AGNs
Supervisor: Jerzy Machalski
Year of defence: 1996
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA)
Thesis title: Illumination in Symbiotic Binary Stars: NLTE Photoionization Models
Supervisor: Joanna Mikołajewska
Year of defence: 1996
(Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
Thesis title: Niestabilność pulsacyjna gwiazd wczesnych typów widmowych podwójnej gromady h oraz x Persei
Supervisor: Jerzy M. Kreiner
Year of defence: 1997
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Thesis title: Statistics and Dynamics of Large Scale Cosmic Fields in Weakly Nonlinear Regime
Supervisor: Roman Juszkiewicz
Year of defence: 1997
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Thesis title: Poszukiwanie gwiazd zmiennych w gromadach kulistych i starych gromadach otwartych
Supervisor: Janusz Kałużny
Year of defence: 1997
Thesis title: Planetary Nebulae with Wolf-Rayet Type Central Stars
Supervisor: Romuald Tylenda
Year of defence: 1998
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Thesis title: Reasons for Bimodal Distribution of Jet Activity of Quasars
Supervisor: Marek Sikora
Year of defence: 1998
(University of Warsaw)
Thesis title: Pulsations and Stability of Neutron Stars and Strange Stars
Supervisor: Paweł Haensel
Year of defence: 1998
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Toruń)
Thesis title: Analysis of the Spectroscopic Observations of Hypergiant HR 8752 with Application of Atmosperic Models
Supervisor: Romuald Tylenda
Year of defence: 1998
(Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
Thesis title: Exploring the Central Power House of Quasars via Emission Lines
Supervisor: Bożena Czerny
Year of defence: 1999
(Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Thesis title: Analysis of Physical Properties of a Cometary Nucleus Based on Investigations of Nongravitational Perturbations in the Orbital Motion of a Comet
Supervisor: Grzegorz Sitarski
Year of defence: 1999
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The website was created as part of the CAMK's Foreign Promotion programme financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.