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 Autorzy (pracownicy CAMK)


1. Dynamical evolution timescales for the triple supermassive black hole system in NGC 6240 Berczik, P.; Sobolenko, M.; Ishchenko, M.

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 687, L18 (2024)
2. Reconstructing the star formation rate for compact binary populations with the Einstein telescope Singh et al.

Belczyński, K.; Cieślar, M.

A&A 681, A56 (2024)
3. Considering the incidence rate of RR Lyrae stars with non-radial modes Netzel et al.

Smolec, R.

A&A 692, A133 (2024)
4. Chaotic magnetic disconnections trigger flux eruptions in accretion flows channeled onto magnetically saturated Kerr black holes Nalewajko, Krzysztof; Kapusta, Mateusz; Janiuk, Agnieszka

Nalewajko, K.

A&A 692, A37 (2024)
5. The Baade-Wesselink projection factor of RR Lyrae stars. Calibration from OHP/SOPHIE spectroscopy and Gaia DR3 parallaxes Bras et al.

Hocdé, V.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wielgórski, P.

A&A 684, A126 (2024)
6. Precise physical parameters of three late-type eclipsing binary giant stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud Rojas García et al.

Gałan, C.; Górski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Kałuszyński, M.; Narloch, W.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Rojas García, G.; Suchomska, K.; Taormina, M.; Wielgórski, P.

A&A 692, A110 (2024)
7. Unequal-mass highly spinning binary black hole mergers in the stable mass transfer formation channel Olejak et al.

Belczyński, K.; Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.

A&A 689, A305 (2024)
8. Evolution of rotating massive stars adopting a newer, self-consistent wind prescription at Small Magellanic Cloud metallicity Gormaz-Matamala et al.

Belczyński, K.; Gormaz-Matamala, A.

A&A 687, A290 (2024)
9. Constraints on the evolution of the Triton atmosphere from occultations: 1989-2022 Sicardy et al.

Pawar, G.

A&A 682, L24 (2024)
10. TeV flaring activity of the AGN PKS 0625-354 in November 2018 H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 683, A70 (2024)
11. Catalogue of BRITE-Constellation targets. I. Fields 1 to 14 (November 2013-April 2016) Zwintz et al.

Handler, G.; Smolec, R.; Zocłońska, E.

A&A 683, A49 (2024)
12. An X-ray flaring event and a variable soft X-ray excess in the Seyfert LCRS B040659.9–385922 as detected with eROSITA Krishnan et al.

Krishnan, S.; Markowitz, A.; Saha, T.

A&A 691, A102 (2024)
13. Effect of redshift bin mismatch on the cross correlation between the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey and the Planck CMB lensing potential Saraf, Chandra Shekhar; Bielewicz, Paweł; Chodorowski, Michał

Chodorowski, M.; Saraf, C.

A&A 690, A338 (2024)
14. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. IV. Guests in the outer Solar System Ishchenko, Maryna; Berczik, Peter; Sobolenko, Margarita

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 683, A146 (2024)
15. The orbital parameters of the δ Cep inner binary system determined using 2019 HARPS-N spectroscopic data Nardetto et al.

Graczyk, D.; Hocdé, V.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.

A&A 684, L9 (2024)
16. eROSITA detection of a cloud obscuration event in the Seyfert AGN EC 04570-5206 Markowitz et al.

Krishnan, S.; Markowitz, A.; Saha, T.

A&A 684, A101 (2024)
17. Layers of electron captures in the crust of accreting neutron stars Suleiman, L.; Zdunik, J. L.; Haensel, P.

Haensel, P.; Suleiman, L.; Zdunik, J.

A&A 690, A301 (2024)
18. A theoretical framework for BL Her stars. II. New period-luminosity relations in Gaia passbands Das et al.

Smolec, R.

A&A 684, A170 (2024)
19. The X-ray binaries in M83: will any of them form gravitational wave sources for LIGO/VIRGO/KAGRA? Kotko, I.; Belczynski, K.

Belczyński, K.; Kotko, I.

A&A 683, A85 (2024)
20. Infrared surface brightness technique applied to RR Lyrae stars from the solar neighborhood Zgirski et al.

Chini, R.; Górski, M.; Hajdu, G.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wielgórski, P.

A&A 690, A295 (2024)
21. SN 2022jli: The ultraluminous birth of a low-mass X-ray binary King, Andrew; Lasota, Jean-Pierre

Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.

A&A 682, L22 (2024)
22. X-ray view of dissipative warm corona in active galactic nuclei Palit et al.

Gronkiewicz, D.; Palit, B.; Różańska, A.

A&A 690, A308 (2024)
23. A comprehensive study of five candidate δ Scuti-type pulsators in detached eclipsing binaries Pawar et al.

Hełminiak, K.; Konacki, M.; Moharana, A.; Pawar, G.; Pawar, T.

A&A 691, A101 (2024)
24. High-resolution spectroscopy of detached eclipsing binaries during total eclipses Hełminiak, K. G.; Olszewska, J. M.; Puciata-Mroczynska, M.; Pawar, T.

Hełminiak, K.; Pawar, T.

A&A 691, A170 (2024)
25. The Gaia-ESO Survey: The DR5 analysis of the medium-resolution GIRAFFE and high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars Worley et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 684, A148 (2024)
26. Discovery of a hot post-AGB star in Galactic globular cluster E3 Kumar et al.

Giersz, M.; Hełminiak, K.; Moharana, A.; Szczerba, R.

A&A 685, L6 (2024)
27. Tomographic cross correlations between galaxy surveys and the CMB gravitational lensing potential. Effect of the redshift bin mismatch Shekhar Saraf, Chandra; Bielewicz, Paweł

Saraf, C.

A&A 687, A150 (2024)
28. Nova 1670 (CK Vulpeculae) was a merger of a red giant with a helium white dwarf Tylenda, Romuald; Kamiński, Tomek; Smolec, Radek

Kamiński, T.; Smolec, R.; Tylenda, R.

A&A 685, A49 (2024)
29. The Galactic bulge exploration. II. Line-of-sight velocity templates for single-mode RR Lyrae stars Prudil et al.

Smolec, R.

A&A 685, A153 (2024)
30. Precise Fourier parameters of Cepheid radial velocity curves: Towards refining the Hertzsprung progression models Hocdé et al.

Hocdé, V.; Moskalik, P.; Rathour, R.; Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.

A&A 689, A224 (2024)
31. Characterisation of the stellar wind in Cyg X-1 via modelling of colour-colour diagrams Lai et al.

Lai, E.; Różańska, A.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 691, A78 (2024)
32. Spectroscopy of eclipsing compact hierarchical triples: I. Low-mass double-lined and triple-lined systems Moharana et al.

Hełminiak, K.; Konacki, M.; Moharana, A.; Pawar, G.; Pawar, T.

A&A 690, A153 (2024)
33. Double white dwarf binary population in MOCCA star clusters: Comparisons with observations of close and wide binaries Hellström et al.

Askar, A.; Giersz, M.; Hellström, A.; Hypki, A.; Wiktorowicz, G.

A&A 690, A112 (2024)
34. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibrating the lithium-age relation with open clusters and associations. II. Expanded cluster sample and final membership selection Gutiérrez Albarrán et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 685, A83 (2024)
35. Curvature in the very-high energy gamma-ray spectrum of M 87⋆ H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 685, A96 (2024)
36. Common origin for black holes in both high mass X-ray binaries and gravitational-wave sources Belczynski et al.

Belczyński, K.; Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.

A&A 690, A21 (2024)
37. The Fourth S-PLUS Data Release: 12-filter photometry covering 3000 square degrees in the southern hemisphere Herpich et al.

Dotto Perottoni, H.

A&A 689, A249 (2024)
38. Gaia Focused Product Release: A catalogue of sources around quasars to search for strongly lensed quasars Gaia Collaboration et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 685, A130 (2024)
39. Inference of neutron-star properties with unified crust-core equations of state for parameter estimation Davis et al.

Suleiman, L.

A&A 687, A44 (2024)
40. Period-luminosity and period-luminosity-metallicity relations for Galactic RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan bands Narloch et al.

Górski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Narloch, W.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wielgórski, P.

A&A 689, A138 (2024)
41. Ray-traced spectra of a hot neutron star for various metallicities Bełdycki et al.

Bejger, M.; Bełdycki, B.; Palit, B.; Różańska, A.

A&A 688, A125 (2024)
42. Ultrasoft state of microquasar Cygnus X-3: X-ray polarimetry reveals the geometry of the astronomical puzzle Veledina et al.

Zdziarski, A.

A&A 688, L27 (2024)
43. A 500 pc volume-limited sample of hot subluminous stars. I. Space density, scale height, and population properties Dawson et al.

Steinmetz, T.

A&A 686, A25 (2024)
44. Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry Gaia Collaboration et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 686, L2 (2024)
45. The transient event in NGC 1566 from 2017 to 2019. I. An eccentric accretion disk and a turbulent, disk-dominated broad-line region unveiled by double-peaked Ca II and O I lines Ochmann et al.

Chini, R.

A&A 686, A17 (2024)
46. Fires in the deep: The luminosity distribution of early-time gamma-ray-burst afterglows in light of the Gamow Explorer sensitivity requirements Kann et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Nalewajko, K.

A&A 686, A56 (2024)
47. Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS. VI. Asteroseismology of the GW Vir-type central star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 246 Calcaferro et al.

Handler, G.; Sowicka, P.

A&A 686, A140 (2024)
48. The formation of the magnetic symbiotic star FN Sgr Belloni, Diogo; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Schreiber, Matthias R.

Mikołajewska, J.

A&A 686, A226 (2024)
49. Unveiling extended gamma-ray emission around HESS J1813-178 H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 686, A149 (2024)
50. Non-evolutionary effects on period change in Magellanic Cepheids. I. New binary systems revealed from light travel time effect Rathour et al.

Hajdu, G.; Hocdé, V.; Rathour, R.; Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.

A&A 686, A268 (2024)
51. Reconstructing the near- to mid-infrared environment in the stellar merger remnant V838 Monocerotis Mobeen et al.

Kamiński, T.; Mobeen, M.

A&A 686, A260 (2024)
52. Cepheids with giant companions. II. Spectroscopic confirmation of nine new double-lined binary systems composed of two Cepheids Pilecki et al.

Espinoza Arancibia, F.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Narloch, W.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Taormina, M.; Wielgórski, P.

A&A 686, A263 (2024)
53. Star-by-star dynamical evolution of the physical pair of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 open clusters Ishchenko et al.

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 686, A225 (2024)
54. The Gaia-ESO Survey: No sign of multiple stellar populations in open clusters from their sodium and oxygen abundances Bragaglia et al.

Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 687, A124 (2024)
55. A Sagittarius-like simulated dwarf spheroidal galaxy from TNG50 Łokas, Ewa L.

Łokas, E.

A&A 687, A82 (2024)
56. Spectrum and extension of the inverse-Compton emission of the Crab Nebula from a combined Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. analysis Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 686, A308 (2024)
57. Dynamical evolution of Milky Way globular clusters on the cosmological timescale: I. Mass loss and interaction with the nuclear star cluster Ishchenko et al.

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 689, A178 (2024)
58. X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity: IV. Spectral analysis methods and exemplary results for O stars Sander et al.

Gormaz-Matamala, A.

A&A 689, A30 (2024)
59. Ariel stellar characterisation. II. Chemical abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen for 181 planet-host FGK dwarf stars da Silva et al.

Hełminiak, K.

A&A 688, A193 (2024)
60. Cluster membership analysis with supervised learning and N-body simulations Bissekenov et al.

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 689, A282 (2024)
61. The S-PLUS Ultra-Short Survey: First data release Perottoni et al.

Dotto Perottoni, H.; Silva Smiljanic, R.

A&A 691, A138 (2024)
62. H.E.S.S. observations of the 2021 periastron passage of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 687, A219 (2024)
63. Projection factor and radii of Type II Cepheids: BL Her stars Wielgórski et al.

Chini, R.; Górski, M.; Hajdu, G.; Hocdé, V.; Narloch, W.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Pych, W.; Wielgórski, P.

A&A 689, A241 (2024)
64. Continuum and molecular emission from the inner regions of the symbiotic system R Aquarii Gómez-Garrido et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

A&A 689, A317 (2024)
65. Pulsation Modelling of the Cepheid Y Ophiuchi with RSP/MESA. Impact of Circumstellar Envelope and a High Projection Factor on Baade-Wesselink Method Hocdé et al.

Hocdé, V.; Moskalik, P.; Rathour, R.; Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.

A&A 683, A233 (2024)
66. Binary central stars of planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud Gładkowski et al.

Gładkowski, M.; Smolec, R.; Szczerba, R.

A&A 682, A70 (2024)
67. A radical transition in the post-main-sequence system U Equulei Kamiński et al.

Kamiński, T.; Mobeen, M.; Schmidt, M.; Steinmetz, T.; Szczerba, R.

A&A 682, A133 (2024)
68. A bipolar structure and shocks surrounding the stellar-merger remnant V1309 Scorpii Steinmetz, T.; Kamiński, T.; Schmidt, M.; Kiljan, A.

Kamiński, T.; Schmidt, M.; Steinmetz, T.

A&A 682, A127 (2024)
69. Empirical instability strip for classical Cepheids: I. The Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy Espinoza-Arancibia et al.

Espinoza Arancibia, F.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Smolec, R.

A&A 682, A185 (2024)
70. The rotation rate of single- and double-lined southern O stars: Determining what increases the rotation rate in binaries Blex, Susanne; Haas, Martin; Chini, Rolf

Chini, R.

A&A 692, A192 (2024)
71. Broadband multi-wavelength properties of M87 during the 2018 EHT campaign including a very high energy flaring episode Algaba et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

A&A 692, A140 (2024)
72. Cosmological insights into the early accretion of r-process-enhanced stars: II. Dynamical identification of lost members of Reticulum II Berczik, Peter; Ishchenko, Maryna; Sobodar, Olexandr; Mardini, Mohammad

Bertsyk, P.

A&A 692, A130 (2024)
73. Thermal solutions of strongly magnetized disks and the hysteresis in X-ray binaries Scepi et al.

Marcel, G.

A&A 692, A153 (2024)
74. Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE): XIV. Finding terrestrial protoplanets in the galactic neighborhood Cesario et al.

Romagnolo, A.

A&A 692, A172 (2024)
75. Identification of the Top TESS Objects of Interest for Atmospheric Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets with JWST Hord et al.

Hełminiak, K.

AJ 167, 233 (2024)
76. Observations of Molecular CN toward S-type Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars Feng et al.

Szczerba, R.

AJ 168, 285 (2024)
77. Glitching pulsars as gravitational wave sources Haskell, B.; Jones, D. I.

Haskell, B.

APh 157, 102921 (2024)
78. Differential Sensitivity of the KM3NeT/ARCA detector to a diffuse neutrino flux and to point-like source emission: Exploring the case of the Starburst Galaxies Aiello et al.

Kalaczyński, P.

APh 162, 102990 (2024)
79. The Potential for Long-lived Intermediate-mass Black Hole Binaries in the Lowest Density Dwarf Galaxies Khan et al.

Bertsyk, P.

ApJ 976, 22 (2024)
80. Accretion Geometry of GX 339–4 in the Hard State: AstroSat View Chand et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 972, 20 (2024)
81. Two Models for the Orbital Modulation of Gamma Rays in Cyg X-3 Dmytriiev et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 972, 85 (2024)
82. Multi-epoch UV–X-Ray Spectral Study of NGC 4151 with AstroSat Kumar et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 975, 73 (2024)
83. TIC 435850195: The Second Triaxial Tidally Tilted Pulsator Jayaraman et al.

Handler, G.

ApJ 975, 121 (2024)
84. PyMerger: Detecting Binary Black Hole Mergers from the Einstein Telescope Using Deep Learning Alhassan, Wathela; Bulik, T.; Suchenek, M.

Alhassan, W.; Suchenek, M.

ApJ 977, 222 (2024)
85. Black Hole Spin Measurements in LMC X-1 and Cyg X-1 Are Highly Model Dependent Zdziarski et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 962, 101 (2024)
86. A Joint Fermi-GBM and Swift-BAT Analysis of Gravitational-wave Candidates from the Third Gravitational-wave Observing Run Fletcher et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Figura, P.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.

ApJ 964, 149 (2024)
87. Interpretable Machine Learning for Finding Intermediate-mass Black Holes Pasquato et al.

Askar, A.

ApJ 965, 89 (2024)
88. Toward Early-type Eclipsing Binaries as Extragalactic Milestones. III. Physical Properties of the O-type Eclipsing Binary OGLE LMC-ECL-21568 in a Quadruple System Taormina et al.

Górski, M.; Graczyk, D.; Hajdu, G.; Pietrzyński, G.; Pilecki, B.; Taormina, M.

ApJ 967, 64 (2024)
89. All-sky Kinematics and Chemistry of Monoceros Stellar Overdensity Borbolato et al.

Dotto Perottoni, H.

ApJ 960, 52 (2024)
90. A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154 Abac et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Figura, P.; Haskell, B.; Nieradka, G.; Pietrzak, M.; Suchenek, M.; Suyamprakasam, S.; Yadav, N.

ApJ 977, 255 (2024)
91. A Multiwavelength Study of the Hard and Soft States of MAXI J1820+070 During Its 2018 Outburst Banerjee et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 964, 189 (2024)
92. The Orbit and Mass of the Cepheid AW Per Evans et al.

Pietrzyński, G.

ApJ 972, 145 (2024)
93. Radio Polarization of Millisecond Pulsars with Multipolar Magnetic Fields Sur, Ankan; Yuan, Yajie; Philippov, Alexander

Sur, A.

ApJ 965, 140 (2024)
94. Distance Estimate Method for Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars Using Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions Bhattacharya et al.

Lewis, M.

ApJ 969, 109 (2024)
95. Search for Gravitational-lensing Signatures in the Full Third Observing Run of the LIGO–Virgo Network Abbott et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Figura, P.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Nieradka, G.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.; Yadav, N.

ApJ 970, 191 (2024)
96. Accretion Funnel Reconfiguration during an Outburst in a Young Stellar Object: EX Lupi Singh et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

ApJ 968, 88 (2024)
97. A Surprising Excess of Radio Emission in Extremely Stable Quasars: A Unique Clue to Jet Launching? Kang et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJ 971, 60 (2024)
98. New Parameters for Star Cluster Dynamics: The Role of Clusters' Initial Conditions Bhat et al.

Askar, A.; Hypki, A.

ApJ 968, 2 (2024)
99. Search for Eccentric Black Hole Coalescences during the Third Observing Run of LIGO and Virgo Abac et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Nieradka, G.; Pietrzak, M.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.; Suyamprakasam, S.; Yadav, N.

ApJ 973, 132 (2024)
100. Influence of the Gravitational Darkening Effect on the Spectrum of a Hot, Rapidly Rotating Neutron Star. II. Iron Lines Majczyna, Agnieszka; Madej, Jerzy; Różańska, Agata; Należyty, Mirosław

Różańska, A.

ApJ 966, 223 (2024)
101. PSR B0943+10: Mode Switch, Polar Cap Geometry, and Orthogonally Polarized Radiation Cao et al.

Dyks, J.

ApJ 973, 56 (2024)
102. Search for Gravitational-wave Transients Associated with Magnetar Bursts in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo Data from the Third Observing Run Abbott et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Figura, P.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.

ApJ 966, 137 (2024)
103. Very-high-energy γ-Ray Emission from Young Massive Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 970, L21 (2024)
104. An IXPE-led X-Ray Spectropolarimetric Campaign on the Soft State of Cygnus X-1: X-Ray Polarimetric Evidence for Strong Gravitational Lensing Steiner et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 969, L30 (2024)
105. Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M <SUB>⊙</SUB> Compact Object and a Neutron Star Abac et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Figura, P.; Haskell, B.; Nieradka, G.; Pietrzak, M.; Suchenek, M.; Suyamprakasam, S.; Yadav, N.

ApJL 970, L34 (2024)
106. The Newly Discovered Nova Super-remnant Surrounding Recurrent Nova T Coronae Borealis: Will it Light Up during the Coming Eruption? Shara et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

ApJL 977, L48 (2024)
107. The Cause of the Difference in the Propagation Distances between Compact and Transient Jets in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Heinz, Sebastian

Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 967, L7 (2024)
108. Fundamentalization of Periods for First- and Second-overtone Classical Cepheids Pilecki, Bogumił

Pilecki, B.

ApJL 970, L14 (2024)
109. Alive but Barely Kicking: News from 3+ yr of Swift and XMM-Newton X-Ray Monitoring of Quasiperiodic Eruptions from eRO-QPE1 Pasham et al.

Śniegowska, M.

ApJL 963, L47 (2024)
110. The Delayed Radio Emission in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1348-630 You et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 969, L33 (2024)
111. What Is the Black Hole Spin in Cyg X-1? Zdziarski et al.

Zdziarski, A.

ApJL 967, L9 (2024)
112. Ancient Nova Shells of RX Pup Indicate Evolution of Mass Transfer Rate Iłkiewicz et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

ApJL 972, L14 (2024)
113. β Cephei Pulsators in Eclipsing Binaries Observed with TESS Eze, Christian I.; Handler, Gerald

Eze, C.; Handler, G.

ApJS 272, 25 (2024)
114. S-PLUS: Photometric Recalibration with the Stellar Color Regression Method and an Improved Gaia XP Synthetic Photometry Method Xiao et al.

Dotto Perottoni, H.

ApJS 271, 41 (2024)
115. Toward a Comprehensive Grid of Cepheid Models with MESA. I. Uncertainties of the Evolutionary Tracks of Intermediate-mass Stars Ziółkowska et al.

Hocdé, V.; Rathour, R.; Smolec, R.; Ziółkowska, O.

ApJS 274, 30 (2024)
116. Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Tracking the Transition on the Main Sequence of Quasars Panda, Swayamtrupta; Śniegowska, Marzena

Śniegowska, M.

ApJS 272, 13 (2024)
117. A λ 3 mm Line Survey toward the Circumstellar Envelope of the Carbon-rich AGB Star IRC+10216 (CW Leo) Tuo et al.

Szczerba, R.

ApJS 271, 45 (2024)
118. On the maximum black hole mass at solar metallicity Romagnolo, Amedeo ; Gormaz-Matamala, Alex C. ; Belczynski, Krzysztof

Belczyński, K.; Gormaz-Matamala, A.; Romagnolo, A.

Astrophysica 964, L23 (2024)
119. Exploring Sulfur Chemistry in TMC-1 with NSRT Iqbal et al.

Szczerba, R.

ChPhL 41, 029501 (2024)
120. DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light dark matter particles The DarkSide-20k Collaboration et al.

Ahmad, I.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Kuźwa, K.; Nieradka, G.; Sunny, C.; Wojaczyński, R.; Zabihi, A.; Zakhary, P.

Communicatio 7, 422 (2024)
121. Photometric sample of early B-type pulsators in eclipsing binaries observed with TESS Eze, C. I.; Handler, G.

Eze, C.; Handler, G.

CoSka 54, 70 (2024)
122. Identifying noise transients in gravitational-wave data arising from nonlinear couplings Hall et al.

Suyamprakasam, S.

CQGra 41, 245016 (2024)
123. Neural network time-series classifiers for gravitational-wave searches in single-detector periods Trovato et al.

Bejger, M.

CQGra 41, 125003 (2024)
124. Atmospheric muons measured with the KM3NeT detectors in comparison with updated numeric predictions KM3NeT Collaboration et al.

Kalaczyński, P.

EPJC 84, 696 (2024)
125. Astronomy potential of KM3NeT/ARCA KM3NeT Collaboration et al.

Kalaczyński, P.

EPJC 84, 885 (2024)
126. X-ray pulsed light curves of highly compact neutron stars as probes of scalar–tensor theories of gravity Ottoni et al.

Pereira, J.

EPJC 84, 1337 (2024)
127. Constraints on directionality effect of nuclear recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber DarkSide-20k Collaboration et al.

Ahmad, I.; Hugues, T.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Nieradka, G.; Wada, M.; Walczak, M.; Wojaczyński, R.; Zabihi, A.; Zakhary, P.

EPJC 84, 24 (2024)
128. Monte Carlo study of high-energy light ions for minibeam radiation therapy approach Rajabnejad, Mohaddeseh; Ghasemizad, Abbas; Zabihi, Azam

Zabihi, A.

EPJP 139, 1024 (2024)
129. Design and implementation of a seismic Newtonian noise cancellation system for the Virgo gravitational-wave detector Koley et al.

Bulik, T.; Cieślar, M.; Pietrzak, M.; Suchenek, M.

EPJP 139, 48 (2024)
130. Dosimetric evaluation of light ion beams for spatially fractionated radiation therapy: a Geant4 Monte Carlo study Rajabnejad, Mohaddeseh; Ghasemizad, Abbas; Zabihi, Azam

Zabihi, A.

EPJP 139, 365 (2024)
131. Quantum null-hypothesis device-independent Schmidt number witness Batle et al.

Rybotycki, T.

EPJQT 11, 62 (2024)
132. Precise certification of a qubit space Białecki et al.

Rybotycki, T.

EPJQT 11, 21 (2024)
133. A machine learning method for predicting telescope cycle time applied to the Cerro Murphy Observatory Kicia et al.

Chini, R.; Górski, M.; Kałuszyński, M.; Kicia, M.; Pietrzyński, G.

ExA 58, 19 (2024)
134. Cosmic ray contributions from rapidly rotating stellar mass black holes: cosmic Ray GeV to EeV proton and anti-proton sources Allen et al.

Chini, R.

FrASS 11, 1386305 (2024)
135. A two-step strategy to identify episodic sources of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos in starburst galaxies Allen et al.

Chini, R.

FrASS 11, 1394741 (2024)
136. FAT-GEMs: (field assisted) transparent gaseous-electroluminescence multipliers Leardini et al.

Kuźniak, M.; Nieradka, G.; Sworobowicz, T.; Ventura Cortez, A.

Frontiers in 2, 1 (2024)
137. What Could be Achieved with a Million Qubits Quantum Annealer in Remote Sensing? Gawron et al.

Gawron, P.

IEEE Interna tmp, 475 (2024)
138. Spectroscopic Time-Resolving Observatory for Broadband Energy X-ray high-energy modular array Hutcheson et al.

Zdziarski, A.

JATIS 10, 042503 (2024)
139. Dark matter line searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Abe et al.

Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

JCAP 2024, 047 (2024)
140. Extending preferred axion models via heavy-quark induced early matter domination Cheek, Andrew; Osiński, Jacek K.; Roszkowski, Leszek

Cheek, A.; Osinski, J.; Roszkowski, L.

JCAP 2024, 061 (2024)
141. Searches for neutrino counterparts of gravitational waves from the LIGO/Virgo third observing run with KM3NeT Aiello et al.

Kalaczyński, P.

JCAP 2024, 026 (2024)
142. Prospects for a survey of the galactic plane with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Abe et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

JCAP 2024, 081 (2024)
143. Prospects for γ-ray observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Abe et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

JCAP 2024, 004 (2024)
144. Evidence for 3XMM J185246.6+003317 as a massive magnetar with a low magnetic field de Lima et al.

Bejger, M.; Haensel, P.; Pereira, J.; Zdunik, J.

JHEAp 42, 52 (2024)
145. Phenomenology of superheavy decaying dark matter from string theory Allahverdi et al.

Osinski, J.

JHEP 2024, 192 (2024)
146. Bubble-wall velocity in local thermal equilibrium: hydrodynamical simulations vs analytical treatment Krajewski, Tomasz; Lewicki, Marek; Zych, Mateusz

Krajewski, T.

JHEP 2024, 11 (2024)
147. Long-term temporal stability of the DarkSide-50 dark matter detector Agnes et al.

Hugues, T.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Wada, M.

JInst 19, P05057 (2024)
148. Study of low-energy nuclear recoils in liquid argon with the ReD experiment Pino et al.

Ahmad, I.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Sunny, C.; Wada, M.; Wojaczyński, R.; Zakhary, P.

JInst 19, C04054 (2024)
149. <SUP>37</SUP>Ar source on-demand production and deployment for low-energy nuclear recoil measurement in ReD liquid Argon TPC Zakhary, P.; DarkSide collaboration

Zakhary, P.

JInst 19, C06003 (2024)
150. DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions Abed Abud et al.

Kuźniak, M.; Ventura Cortez, A.

JInst 19, P12005 (2024)
151. Cryogenic setup for the characterization of wavelength-shifting materials for noble element radiation detectors Choudhary et al.

Choudhary, S.; Kuźniak, M.; Nieradka, G.; Sworobowicz, T.; Ventura Cortez, A.

JInst 19, C05019 (2024)
152. Analysis of the S1 triplet component in the DarkSide-50 experiment Sunny, Clea; DarkSide-50 collaboration

Sunny, C.

JInst 19, C07009 (2024)
153. A new hybrid gadolinium nanoparticles-loaded polymeric material for neutron detection in rare event searches Acerbi et al.

Ahmad, I.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Kuźwa, K.; Nieradka, G.; Sunny, C.; Wada, M.; Wojaczyński, R.; Zabihi, A.; Zakhary, P.

JInst 19, P09021 (2024)
154. Development of wavelength-shifting PEN foils for next generation experiments Kuźniak et al.

Kuźniak, M.; Nieradka, G.; Ventura Cortez, A.

JInst 19, C05017 (2024)
155. The Origin of the Flat Rotation Curves in Spiral Galaxies: The Hidden Roles of Glitching SMDEOs and Emission of Gravitational Waves Hujeirat, A.; Berczik, P.

Bertsyk, P.

Journal of M 15, 1523 (2024)
156. TIC 184 743 498: the first tri-axial stellar pulsator Zhang et al.

Handler, G.

MNRAS 528, 3378 (2024)
157. Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - III. The role of non-radial radiation pressure in dust dynamics Vinković, Dejan; Čemeljić, Miljenko

Cemeljic, M.

MNRAS 532, 2388 (2024)
158. Probing intracluster dynamics and evolution of globular clusters through cataclysmic variable populations Oh et al.

Giersz, M.

MNRAS 532, 259 (2024)
159. A physical model for radio and X-ray correlation in black hole X-ray binaries Jiang et al.

Zdziarski, A.

MNRAS 532, 4524 (2024)
160. The enigmatic origin of two dormant BH binaries: Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2 Kotko, I.; Banerjee, S.; Belczynski, K.

Belczyński, K.; Kotko, I.

MNRAS 535, 3577 (2024)
161. Oscillation frequencies of moderately rotating delta scuti stars: asymmetric mode splittings due to non-spherical distortion Guo et al.

Guo, Z.; Pamyatnykh, A.

MNRAS 535, 2927 (2024)
162. General upper limit on the electric charge of Sgr A* in the Reissner-Nordström metric Mishra, Ruchi; Vieira, Ronaldo S. S.; Kluźniak, Włodek

Kluźniak, W.; Mishra, R.

MNRAS 530, 3038 (2024)
163. 3D hydrodynamic simulations of white dwarf-main-sequence star collisions - I. Head-on collisions van der Merwe et al.

Kamiński, T.

MNRAS 534, 3637 (2024)
164. Energy equipartition in multiple-population globular clusters Livernois et al.

Askar, A.; Giersz, M.; Hypki, A.

MNRAS 534, 2397 (2024)
165. The EBLM Project- XI. Mass, radius, and effective temperature measurements for 23 M-dwarf companions to solar-type stars observed with CHEOPS Swayne et al.

Miller, N.

MNRAS 528, 5703 (2024)
166. Double-mode RR Lyrae stars observed by K2: analysis of high-precision Kepler photometry Nemec et al.

Moskalik, P.

MNRAS 529, 296 (2024)
167. Unveiling energy pathways in AGN accretion flows with the warm corona model for the soft excess Ballantyne et al.

Palit, B.; Różańska, A.

MNRAS 530, 1603 (2024)
168. Rapid variability of Markarian 421 during extreme flaring as seen through the eyes of XMM-Newton Gokus et al.

Markowitz, A.

MNRAS 529, 1450 (2024)
169. TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data Holdsworth et al.

Handler, G.

MNRAS 527, 9548 (2024)
170. Characterization of the δ Scuti eclipsing binary KIC 4851217 and its tertiary companion as well as detection of tidally tilted pulsations Jennings et al.

Handler, G.

MNRAS 533, 2705 (2024)
171. Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars - V. The circumbinary planet system EBLM J0608-59 Maxted et al.

Miller, N.

MNRAS 531, 4577 (2024)
172. The DRAGON-II simulations - III. Compact binary mergers in clusters with up to 1 million stars: mass, spin, eccentricity, merger rate, and pair instability supernovae rate Arca sedda et al.

Bertsyk, P.; Giersz, M.

MNRAS 528, 5140 (2024)
173. Massive black hole binaries as sources of low-frequency gravitational waves and X-shaped radio galaxies Curyło, Małgorzata; Bulik, Tomasz

Bulik, T.

MNRAS 528, 1053 (2024)
174. The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars Arca Sedda et al.

Bertsyk, P.; Giersz, M.

MNRAS 528, 5119 (2024)
175. ExoMol line lists - LIV. Empirical line lists for AlH and AlD and experimental emission spectroscopy of AlD in A<SUP>1</SUP>Π (v = 0, 1, 2) Yurchenko et al.

Schmidt, M.

MNRAS 527, 9736 (2024)
176. Truncated, tilted discs as a possible source of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations Bollimpalli, D. A.; Fragile, P. C.; Dewberry, J. W.; Kluźniak, W.

Kluźniak, W.

MNRAS 528, 1142 (2024)
177. Energy distribution and substructure formation in astrophysical MHD simulations Kayanikhoo, Fatemeh; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Wielgus, Maciek; Kluźniak, Włodek

Cemeljic, M.; Kayanikhoo, F.; Kluźniak, W.

MNRAS 527, 10151 (2024)
178. A systematic study of the high-frequency bump in the black-hole low-mass X-ray binary GX 339 - 4 Zhang et al.

Zdziarski, A.

MNRAS 527, 5638 (2024)
179. New insights on ν-DM interactions Brax et al.

Trojanowski, S.

MNRAS 527, L122 (2024)
180. The wind of rotating B supergiants - II. The δ-slow hydrodynamic regime Venero et al.

Gormaz-Matamala, A.

MNRAS 527, 93 (2024)
181. Single-lined eclipsing binaries with δ Scuti components: GQ Dra, RR Lep, and TYC 683-640-1 Kahraman Aliçavuş et al.

Handler, G.

MNRAS 527, 4076 (2024)
182. A new tidal scenario for double bar formation Semczuk, Marcin; Łokas, Ewa L.; de Lorenzo-Cáceres, Adriana; Athanassoula, E.

Łokas, E.

MNRAS 528, L83 (2024)
183. Ages and metallicities of stellar clusters using S-PLUS narrow-band integrated photometry: the Small Magellanic Cloud Fabiano de Souza et al.

Dotto Perottoni, H.

MNRAS 527, 1733 (2024)
184. Constraining the physical properties of large-scale jets from black hole X-ray binaries and their impact on the local environment with blast-wave dynamical models Carotenuto et al.

Zdziarski, A.

MNRAS 533, 4188 (2024)
185. Solaris photometric survey: Search for circumbinary companions using eclipse timing variations Moharana et al.

Hełminiak, K.; Konacki, M.; Moharana, A.; Pawar, G.; Pawar, T.

MNRAS 527, 53 (2024)
186. Revisiting the classics: On the evolutionary origin of the 'Fe II' and 'He/N' spectral classes of novae Aydi et al.

Mikołajewska, J.

MNRAS 527, 9303 (2024)
187. Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE Veledina et al.

Zdziarski, A.

NatAs 8, 1031 (2024)
188. High performance Boson sampling simulation via data-flow engines Morse et al.

Rybotycki, T.

NJPh 26, 033033 (2024)
189. On the existence of `Maia variables' Kahraman Aliçavuş et al.

Chowdhury, S.; Handler, G.

PASA 41, e082 (2024)
190. Mode identification and period fitting in six pulsating hot subdwarfs Sahoo et al.

Sahoo, S.

PASA 41, e041 (2024)
191. Primordial black holes are true vacuum nurseries Hamaide, Louis; Heurtier, Lucien; Hu, Shi-Qian; Cheek, Andrew

Cheek, A.

PhLB 856, 138895 (2024)
192. Search for dark photons with the FASER detector at the LHC Abreu et al.

Trojanowski, S.

PhLB 848, 138378 (2024)
193. Quantum dimension witness with a single repeated operation Białecki, Tomasz; Rybotycki, Tomasz; Batle, Josep; Bednorz, Adam

Rybotycki, T.

PhRvA 109, L020201 (2024)
194. Fluid figures of equilibrium orbiting Reissner-Nordström black holes and naked singularities Mishra, R.; Krajewski, T.; Kluźniak, W.;

Kluźniak, W.; Krajewski, T.; Mishra, R.

PhRvD 110, 124030 (2024)
195. Adaptive algorithms for low-latency cancellation of seismic Newtonian-noise at the Virgo gravitational-wave detector Koley et al.

Bulik, T.; Cieślar, M.; Pietrzak, M.; Suchenek, M.

PhRvD 110, 022002 (2024)
196. Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run Abac et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Nieradka, G.; Pietrzak, M.; Suchenek, M.; Sur, A.; Suyamprakasam, S.; Yadav, N.

PhRvD 110, 042001 (2024)
197. Impact of stratified rotation on the moment of inertia of neutron stars Pereira et al.

Pereira, J.

PhRvD 110, 103014 (2024)
198. Detecting the third family of compact stars with normalizing flows Carvalho, Valéria; Ferreira, Márcio; Providência, Constança; Bejger, Michał

Bejger, M.

PhRvD 109, 103032 (2024)
199. GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run Abbott et al.

Bejger, M.; Ciecieląg, P.; Cieślar, M.; Figura, P.; Haskell, B.; Morawski, F.; Sur, A.

PhRvD 109, 022001 (2024)
200. Search for dark matter annual modulation with DarkSide-50 Agnes et al.

Hugues, T.; Kimura, M.; Kuźniak, M.; Wada, M.

PhRvD 110, 102006 (2024)
201. Dark matter from mediator decay in early matter domination Allahverdi, Rouzbeh; Loc, Ngo Phuc Duc; Osiński, Jacek K.

Osinski, J.

PhRvD 110, 023511 (2024)
202. Revisiting signatures of thermal axions in nonstandard cosmologies Arias et al.

Osinski, J.; Roszkowski, L.

PhRvD 109, 123529 (2024)
203. High-Statistics Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Electron Spectrum with H.E.S.S. Aharonian et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

PhRvL 133, 221001 (2024)
204. Binary Coalescences as Sources of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays Pereira, Jonas P.; Coimbra-Araújo, Carlos H.; dos Anjos, Rita C.; Coelho, Jaziel G.

Pereira, J.

PhRvL 132, 091401 (2024)
205. Outflows from Naked Singularities, Infall through the Black Hole Horizon: Hydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion in the Reissner-Nordström Space-Time Kluźniak, Włodek; Krajewski, Tomasz

Kluźniak, W.; Krajewski, T.

PhRvL 133, 241401 (2024)
206. Acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons in the jets of the microquasar SS 433 H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.

Kluźniak, W.; Moderski, R.; Rudak, B.; Zdziarski, A.

Sci 383, 402 (2024)
207. Modeling the inner part of the jet in M87: Confronting jet morphology with theory Yang et al.

Zdziarski, A.

SciA 10, eadn3544 (2024)
208. Event generators for high-energy physics experiments Campbell et al.

Trojanowski, S.

SciPost Phys 16, 130 (2024)