Tytuł |
(pracownicy CAMK) |
1. Dynamical evolution timescales for the triple supermassive black hole system in NGC 6240 |
Berczik, P.; Sobolenko, M.; Ishchenko, M.
Bertsyk, P.
A&A 687, L18 (2024) |
2. Reconstructing the star formation rate for compact binary populations with the Einstein telescope |
Singh et al.
Belczyński, K.;
Cieślar, M.
A&A 681, A56 (2024) |
3. Considering the incidence rate of RR Lyrae stars with non-radial modes |
Netzel et al.
Smolec, R.
A&A 692, A133 (2024) |
4. Chaotic magnetic disconnections trigger flux eruptions in accretion flows channeled onto magnetically saturated Kerr black holes |
Nalewajko, Krzysztof; Kapusta, Mateusz; Janiuk, Agnieszka
Nalewajko, K.
A&A 692, A37 (2024) |
5. The Baade-Wesselink projection factor of RR Lyrae stars. Calibration from OHP/SOPHIE spectroscopy and Gaia DR3 parallaxes |
Bras et al.
Hocdé, V.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Wielgórski, P.
A&A 684, A126 (2024) |
6. Precise physical parameters of three late-type eclipsing binary giant stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Rojas García et al.
Gałan, C.;
Górski, M.;
Graczyk, D.;
Hajdu, G.;
Kałuszyński, M.;
Narloch, W.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Pilecki, B.;
Rojas García, G.;
Suchomska, K.;
Taormina, M.;
Wielgórski, P.
A&A 692, A110 (2024) |
7. Unequal-mass highly spinning binary black hole mergers in the stable mass transfer formation channel |
Olejak et al.
Belczyński, K.;
Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.
A&A 689, A305 (2024) |
8. Evolution of rotating massive stars adopting a newer, self-consistent wind prescription at Small Magellanic Cloud metallicity |
Gormaz-Matamala et al.
Belczyński, K.;
Gormaz-Matamala, A.
A&A 687, A290 (2024) |
9. Constraints on the evolution of the Triton atmosphere from occultations: 1989-2022 |
Sicardy et al.
Pawar, G.
A&A 682, L24 (2024) |
10. TeV flaring activity of the AGN PKS 0625-354 in November 2018 |
H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 683, A70 (2024) |
11. Catalogue of BRITE-Constellation targets. I. Fields 1 to 14 (November 2013-April 2016) |
Zwintz et al.
Handler, G.;
Smolec, R.;
Zocłońska, E.
A&A 683, A49 (2024) |
12. An X-ray flaring event and a variable soft X-ray excess in the Seyfert LCRS B040659.9–385922 as detected with eROSITA |
Krishnan et al.
Krishnan, S.;
Markowitz, A.;
Saha, T.
A&A 691, A102 (2024) |
13. Effect of redshift bin mismatch on the cross correlation between the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey and the Planck CMB lensing potential |
Saraf, Chandra Shekhar; Bielewicz, Paweł; Chodorowski, Michał
Chodorowski, M.;
Saraf, C.
A&A 690, A338 (2024) |
14. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. IV. Guests in the outer Solar System |
Ishchenko, Maryna; Berczik, Peter; Sobolenko, Margarita
Bertsyk, P.
A&A 683, A146 (2024) |
15. The orbital parameters of the δ Cep inner binary system determined using 2019 HARPS-N spectroscopic data |
Nardetto et al.
Graczyk, D.;
Hocdé, V.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Pilecki, B.
A&A 684, L9 (2024) |
16. eROSITA detection of a cloud obscuration event in the Seyfert AGN EC 04570-5206 |
Markowitz et al.
Krishnan, S.;
Markowitz, A.;
Saha, T.
A&A 684, A101 (2024) |
17. Layers of electron captures in the crust of accreting neutron stars |
Suleiman, L.; Zdunik, J. L.; Haensel, P.
Haensel, P.;
Suleiman, L.;
Zdunik, J.
A&A 690, A301 (2024) |
18. A theoretical framework for BL Her stars. II. New period-luminosity relations in Gaia passbands |
Das et al.
Smolec, R.
A&A 684, A170 (2024) |
19. The X-ray binaries in M83: will any of them form gravitational wave sources for LIGO/VIRGO/KAGRA? |
Kotko, I.; Belczynski, K.
Belczyński, K.;
Kotko, I.
A&A 683, A85 (2024) |
20. Infrared surface brightness technique applied to RR Lyrae stars from the solar neighborhood |
Zgirski et al.
Chini, R.;
Górski, M.;
Hajdu, G.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Wielgórski, P.
A&A 690, A295 (2024) |
21. SN 2022jli: The ultraluminous birth of a low-mass X-ray binary |
King, Andrew; Lasota, Jean-Pierre
Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.
A&A 682, L22 (2024) |
22. X-ray view of dissipative warm corona in active galactic nuclei |
Palit et al.
Gronkiewicz, D.;
Palit, B.;
Różańska, A.
A&A 690, A308 (2024) |
23. A comprehensive study of five candidate δ Scuti-type pulsators in detached eclipsing binaries |
Pawar et al.
Hełminiak, K.;
Konacki, M.;
Moharana, A.;
Pawar, G.;
Pawar, T.
A&A 691, A101 (2024) |
24. High-resolution spectroscopy of detached eclipsing binaries during total eclipses |
Hełminiak, K. G.; Olszewska, J. M.; Puciata-Mroczynska, M.; Pawar, T.
Hełminiak, K.;
Pawar, T.
A&A 691, A170 (2024) |
25. The Gaia-ESO Survey: The DR5 analysis of the medium-resolution GIRAFFE and high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars |
Worley et al.
Silva Smiljanic, R.
A&A 684, A148 (2024) |
26. Discovery of a hot post-AGB star in Galactic globular cluster E3 |
Kumar et al.
Giersz, M.;
Hełminiak, K.;
Moharana, A.;
Szczerba, R.
A&A 685, L6 (2024) |
27. Tomographic cross correlations between galaxy surveys and the CMB gravitational lensing potential. Effect of the redshift bin mismatch |
Shekhar Saraf, Chandra; Bielewicz, Paweł
Saraf, C.
A&A 687, A150 (2024) |
28. Nova 1670 (CK Vulpeculae) was a merger of a red giant with a helium white dwarf |
Tylenda, Romuald; Kamiński, Tomek; Smolec, Radek
Kamiński, T.;
Smolec, R.;
Tylenda, R.
A&A 685, A49 (2024) |
29. The Galactic bulge exploration. II. Line-of-sight velocity templates for single-mode RR Lyrae stars |
Prudil et al.
Smolec, R.
A&A 685, A153 (2024) |
30. Precise Fourier parameters of Cepheid radial velocity curves: Towards refining the Hertzsprung progression models |
Hocdé et al.
Hocdé, V.;
Moskalik, P.;
Rathour, R.;
Smolec, R.;
Ziółkowska, O.
A&A 689, A224 (2024) |
31. Characterisation of the stellar wind in Cyg X-1 via modelling of colour-colour diagrams |
Lai et al.
Lai, E.;
Różańska, A.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 691, A78 (2024) |
32. Spectroscopy of eclipsing compact hierarchical triples: I. Low-mass double-lined and triple-lined systems |
Moharana et al.
Hełminiak, K.;
Konacki, M.;
Moharana, A.;
Pawar, G.;
Pawar, T.
A&A 690, A153 (2024) |
33. Double white dwarf binary population in MOCCA star clusters: Comparisons with observations of close and wide binaries |
Hellström et al.
Askar, A.;
Giersz, M.;
Hellström, A.;
Hypki, A.;
Wiktorowicz, G.
A&A 690, A112 (2024) |
34. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibrating the lithium-age relation with open clusters and associations. II. Expanded cluster sample and final membership selection |
Gutiérrez Albarrán et al.
Silva Smiljanic, R.
A&A 685, A83 (2024) |
35. Curvature in the very-high energy gamma-ray spectrum of M 87⋆ |
H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 685, A96 (2024) |
36. Common origin for black holes in both high mass X-ray binaries and gravitational-wave sources |
Belczynski et al.
Belczyński, K.;
Lasota-Hirszowicz, J.
A&A 690, A21 (2024) |
37. The Fourth S-PLUS Data Release: 12-filter photometry covering 3000 square degrees in the southern hemisphere |
Herpich et al.
Dotto Perottoni, H.
A&A 689, A249 (2024) |
38. Gaia Focused Product Release: A catalogue of sources around quasars to search for strongly lensed quasars |
Gaia Collaboration et al.
Silva Smiljanic, R.
A&A 685, A130 (2024) |
39. Inference of neutron-star properties with unified crust-core equations of state for parameter estimation |
Davis et al.
Suleiman, L.
A&A 687, A44 (2024) |
40. Period-luminosity and period-luminosity-metallicity relations for Galactic RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan bands |
Narloch et al.
Górski, M.;
Graczyk, D.;
Hajdu, G.;
Narloch, W.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Wielgórski, P.
A&A 689, A138 (2024) |
41. Ray-traced spectra of a hot neutron star for various metallicities |
Bełdycki et al.
Bejger, M.;
Bełdycki, B.;
Palit, B.;
Różańska, A.
A&A 688, A125 (2024) |
42. Ultrasoft state of microquasar Cygnus X-3: X-ray polarimetry reveals the geometry of the astronomical puzzle |
Veledina et al.
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 688, L27 (2024) |
43. A 500 pc volume-limited sample of hot subluminous stars. I. Space density, scale height, and population properties |
Dawson et al.
Steinmetz, T.
A&A 686, A25 (2024) |
44. Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry |
Gaia Collaboration et al.
Silva Smiljanic, R.
A&A 686, L2 (2024) |
45. The transient event in NGC 1566 from 2017 to 2019. I. An eccentric accretion disk and a turbulent, disk-dominated broad-line region unveiled by double-peaked Ca II and O I lines |
Ochmann et al.
Chini, R.
A&A 686, A17 (2024) |
46. Fires in the deep: The luminosity distribution of early-time gamma-ray-burst afterglows in light of the Gamow Explorer sensitivity requirements |
Kann et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Nalewajko, K.
A&A 686, A56 (2024) |
47. Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS. VI. Asteroseismology of the GW Vir-type central star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 246 |
Calcaferro et al.
Handler, G.;
Sowicka, P.
A&A 686, A140 (2024) |
48. The formation of the magnetic symbiotic star FN Sgr |
Belloni, Diogo; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Schreiber, Matthias R.
Mikołajewska, J.
A&A 686, A226 (2024) |
49. Unveiling extended gamma-ray emission around HESS J1813-178 |
H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 686, A149 (2024) |
50. Non-evolutionary effects on period change in Magellanic Cepheids. I. New binary systems revealed from light travel time effect |
Rathour et al.
Hajdu, G.;
Hocdé, V.;
Rathour, R.;
Smolec, R.;
Ziółkowska, O.
A&A 686, A268 (2024) |
51. Reconstructing the near- to mid-infrared environment in the stellar merger remnant V838 Monocerotis |
Mobeen et al.
Kamiński, T.;
Mobeen, M.
A&A 686, A260 (2024) |
52. Cepheids with giant companions. II. Spectroscopic confirmation of nine new double-lined binary systems composed of two Cepheids |
Pilecki et al.
Espinoza Arancibia, F.;
Graczyk, D.;
Hajdu, G.;
Narloch, W.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Pilecki, B.;
Taormina, M.;
Wielgórski, P.
A&A 686, A263 (2024) |
53. Star-by-star dynamical evolution of the physical pair of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 open clusters |
Ishchenko et al.
Bertsyk, P.
A&A 686, A225 (2024) |
54. The Gaia-ESO Survey: No sign of multiple stellar populations in open clusters from their sodium and oxygen abundances |
Bragaglia et al.
Silva Smiljanic, R.
A&A 687, A124 (2024) |
55. A Sagittarius-like simulated dwarf spheroidal galaxy from TNG50 |
Łokas, Ewa L.
Łokas, E.
A&A 687, A82 (2024) |
56. Spectrum and extension of the inverse-Compton emission of the Crab Nebula from a combined Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. analysis |
Aharonian et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 686, A308 (2024) |
57. Dynamical evolution of Milky Way globular clusters on the cosmological timescale: I. Mass loss and interaction with the nuclear star cluster |
Ishchenko et al.
Bertsyk, P.
A&A 689, A178 (2024) |
58. X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive stars at low metallicity: IV. Spectral analysis methods and exemplary results for O stars |
Sander et al.
Gormaz-Matamala, A.
A&A 689, A30 (2024) |
59. Ariel stellar characterisation. II. Chemical abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen for 181 planet-host FGK dwarf stars |
da Silva et al.
Hełminiak, K.
A&A 688, A193 (2024) |
60. Cluster membership analysis with supervised learning and N-body simulations |
Bissekenov et al.
Bertsyk, P.
A&A 689, A282 (2024) |
61. The S-PLUS Ultra-Short Survey: First data release |
Perottoni et al.
Dotto Perottoni, H.;
Silva Smiljanic, R.
A&A 691, A138 (2024) |
62. H.E.S.S. observations of the 2021 periastron passage of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 |
H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 687, A219 (2024) |
63. Projection factor and radii of Type II Cepheids: BL Her stars |
Wielgórski et al.
Chini, R.;
Górski, M.;
Hajdu, G.;
Hocdé, V.;
Narloch, W.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Pilecki, B.;
Pych, W.;
Wielgórski, P.
A&A 689, A241 (2024) |
64. Continuum and molecular emission from the inner regions of the symbiotic system R Aquarii |
Gómez-Garrido et al.
Mikołajewska, J.
A&A 689, A317 (2024) |
65. Pulsation Modelling of the Cepheid Y Ophiuchi with RSP/MESA. Impact of Circumstellar Envelope and a High Projection Factor on Baade-Wesselink Method |
Hocdé et al.
Hocdé, V.;
Moskalik, P.;
Rathour, R.;
Smolec, R.;
Ziółkowska, O.
A&A 683, A233 (2024) |
66. Binary central stars of planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Gładkowski et al.
Gładkowski, M.;
Smolec, R.;
Szczerba, R.
A&A 682, A70 (2024) |
67. A radical transition in the post-main-sequence system U Equulei |
Kamiński et al.
Kamiński, T.;
Mobeen, M.;
Schmidt, M.;
Steinmetz, T.;
Szczerba, R.
A&A 682, A133 (2024) |
68. A bipolar structure and shocks surrounding the stellar-merger remnant V1309 Scorpii |
Steinmetz, T.; Kamiński, T.; Schmidt, M.; Kiljan, A.
Kamiński, T.;
Schmidt, M.;
Steinmetz, T.
A&A 682, A127 (2024) |
69. Empirical instability strip for classical Cepheids: I. The Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy |
Espinoza-Arancibia et al.
Espinoza Arancibia, F.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Pilecki, B.;
Smolec, R.
A&A 682, A185 (2024) |
70. The rotation rate of single- and double-lined southern O stars: Determining what increases the rotation rate in binaries |
Blex, Susanne; Haas, Martin; Chini, Rolf
Chini, R.
A&A 692, A192 (2024) |
71. Broadband multi-wavelength properties of M87 during the 2018 EHT campaign including a very high energy flaring episode |
Algaba et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
A&A 692, A140 (2024) |
72. Cosmological insights into the early accretion of r-process-enhanced stars: II. Dynamical identification of lost members of Reticulum II |
Berczik, Peter; Ishchenko, Maryna; Sobodar, Olexandr; Mardini, Mohammad
Bertsyk, P.
A&A 692, A130 (2024) |
73. Thermal solutions of strongly magnetized disks and the hysteresis in X-ray binaries |
Scepi et al.
Marcel, G.
A&A 692, A153 (2024) |
74. Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE): XIV. Finding terrestrial protoplanets in the galactic neighborhood |
Cesario et al.
Romagnolo, A.
A&A 692, A172 (2024) |
75. Identification of the Top TESS Objects of Interest for Atmospheric Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets with JWST |
Hord et al.
Hełminiak, K.
AJ 167, 233 (2024) |
76. Observations of Molecular CN toward S-type Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars |
Feng et al.
Szczerba, R.
AJ 168, 285 (2024) |
77. Glitching pulsars as gravitational wave sources |
Haskell, B.; Jones, D. I.
Haskell, B.
APh 157, 102921 (2024) |
78. Differential Sensitivity of the KM3NeT/ARCA detector to a diffuse neutrino flux and to point-like source emission: Exploring the case of the Starburst Galaxies |
Aiello et al.
Kalaczyński, P.
APh 162, 102990 (2024) |
79. The Potential for Long-lived Intermediate-mass Black Hole Binaries in the Lowest Density Dwarf Galaxies |
Khan et al.
Bertsyk, P.
ApJ 976, 22 (2024) |
80. Accretion Geometry of GX 339–4 in the Hard State: AstroSat View |
Chand et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJ 972, 20 (2024) |
81. Two Models for the Orbital Modulation of Gamma Rays in Cyg X-3 |
Dmytriiev et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJ 972, 85 (2024) |
82. Multi-epoch UV–X-Ray Spectral Study of NGC 4151 with AstroSat |
Kumar et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJ 975, 73 (2024) |
83. TIC 435850195: The Second Triaxial Tidally Tilted Pulsator |
Jayaraman et al.
Handler, G.
ApJ 975, 121 (2024) |
84. PyMerger: Detecting Binary Black Hole Mergers from the Einstein Telescope Using Deep Learning |
Alhassan, Wathela; Bulik, T.; Suchenek, M.
Alhassan, W.;
Suchenek, M.
ApJ 977, 222 (2024) |
85. Black Hole Spin Measurements in LMC X-1 and Cyg X-1 Are Highly Model Dependent |
Zdziarski et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJ 962, 101 (2024) |
86. A Joint Fermi-GBM and Swift-BAT Analysis of Gravitational-wave Candidates from the Third Gravitational-wave Observing Run |
Fletcher et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Cieślar, M.;
Figura, P.;
Haskell, B.;
Morawski, F.;
Suchenek, M.;
Sur, A.
ApJ 964, 149 (2024) |
87. Interpretable Machine Learning for Finding Intermediate-mass Black Holes |
Pasquato et al.
Askar, A.
ApJ 965, 89 (2024) |
88. Toward Early-type Eclipsing Binaries as Extragalactic Milestones. III. Physical Properties of the O-type Eclipsing Binary OGLE LMC-ECL-21568 in a Quadruple System |
Taormina et al.
Górski, M.;
Graczyk, D.;
Hajdu, G.;
Pietrzyński, G.;
Pilecki, B.;
Taormina, M.
ApJ 967, 64 (2024) |
89. All-sky Kinematics and Chemistry of Monoceros Stellar Overdensity |
Borbolato et al.
Dotto Perottoni, H.
ApJ 960, 52 (2024) |
90. A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154 |
Abac et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Figura, P.;
Haskell, B.;
Nieradka, G.;
Pietrzak, M.;
Suchenek, M.;
Suyamprakasam, S.;
Yadav, N.
ApJ 977, 255 (2024) |
91. A Multiwavelength Study of the Hard and Soft States of MAXI J1820+070 During Its 2018 Outburst |
Banerjee et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJ 964, 189 (2024) |
92. The Orbit and Mass of the Cepheid AW Per |
Evans et al.
Pietrzyński, G.
ApJ 972, 145 (2024) |
93. Radio Polarization of Millisecond Pulsars with Multipolar Magnetic Fields |
Sur, Ankan; Yuan, Yajie; Philippov, Alexander
Sur, A.
ApJ 965, 140 (2024) |
94. Distance Estimate Method for Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars Using Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions |
Bhattacharya et al.
Lewis, M.
ApJ 969, 109 (2024) |
95. Search for Gravitational-lensing Signatures in the Full Third Observing Run of the LIGO–Virgo Network |
Abbott et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Cieślar, M.;
Figura, P.;
Haskell, B.;
Morawski, F.;
Nieradka, G.;
Suchenek, M.;
Sur, A.;
Yadav, N.
ApJ 970, 191 (2024) |
96. Accretion Funnel Reconfiguration during an Outburst in a Young Stellar Object: EX Lupi |
Singh et al.
Mikołajewska, J.
ApJ 968, 88 (2024) |
97. A Surprising Excess of Radio Emission in Extremely Stable Quasars: A Unique Clue to Jet Launching? |
Kang et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJ 971, 60 (2024) |
98. New Parameters for Star Cluster Dynamics: The Role of Clusters' Initial Conditions |
Bhat et al.
Askar, A.;
Hypki, A.
ApJ 968, 2 (2024) |
99. Search for Eccentric Black Hole Coalescences during the Third Observing Run of LIGO and Virgo |
Abac et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Cieślar, M.;
Haskell, B.;
Morawski, F.;
Nieradka, G.;
Pietrzak, M.;
Suchenek, M.;
Sur, A.;
Suyamprakasam, S.;
Yadav, N.
ApJ 973, 132 (2024) |
100. Influence of the Gravitational Darkening Effect on the Spectrum of a Hot, Rapidly Rotating Neutron Star. II. Iron Lines |
Majczyna, Agnieszka; Madej, Jerzy; Różańska, Agata; Należyty, Mirosław
Różańska, A.
ApJ 966, 223 (2024) |
101. PSR B0943+10: Mode Switch, Polar Cap Geometry, and Orthogonally Polarized Radiation |
Cao et al.
Dyks, J.
ApJ 973, 56 (2024) |
102. Search for Gravitational-wave Transients Associated with Magnetar Bursts in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo Data from the Third Observing Run |
Abbott et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Cieślar, M.;
Figura, P.;
Haskell, B.;
Morawski, F.;
Suchenek, M.;
Sur, A.
ApJ 966, 137 (2024) |
103. Very-high-energy γ-Ray Emission from Young Massive Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Aharonian et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
ApJL 970, L21 (2024) |
104. An IXPE-led X-Ray Spectropolarimetric Campaign on the Soft State of Cygnus X-1: X-Ray Polarimetric Evidence for Strong Gravitational Lensing |
Steiner et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJL 969, L30 (2024) |
105. Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M <SUB>⊙</SUB> Compact Object and a Neutron Star |
Abac et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Figura, P.;
Haskell, B.;
Nieradka, G.;
Pietrzak, M.;
Suchenek, M.;
Suyamprakasam, S.;
Yadav, N.
ApJL 970, L34 (2024) |
106. The Newly Discovered Nova Super-remnant Surrounding Recurrent Nova T Coronae Borealis: Will it Light Up during the Coming Eruption? |
Shara et al.
Mikołajewska, J.
ApJL 977, L48 (2024) |
107. The Cause of the Difference in the Propagation Distances between Compact and Transient Jets in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries |
Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Heinz, Sebastian
Zdziarski, A.
ApJL 967, L7 (2024) |
108. Fundamentalization of Periods for First- and Second-overtone Classical Cepheids |
Pilecki, Bogumił
Pilecki, B.
ApJL 970, L14 (2024) |
109. Alive but Barely Kicking: News from 3+ yr of Swift and XMM-Newton X-Ray Monitoring of Quasiperiodic Eruptions from eRO-QPE1 |
Pasham et al.
Śniegowska, M.
ApJL 963, L47 (2024) |
110. The Delayed Radio Emission in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1348-630 |
You et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJL 969, L33 (2024) |
111. What Is the Black Hole Spin in Cyg X-1? |
Zdziarski et al.
Zdziarski, A.
ApJL 967, L9 (2024) |
112. Ancient Nova Shells of RX Pup Indicate Evolution of Mass Transfer Rate |
Iłkiewicz et al.
Mikołajewska, J.
ApJL 972, L14 (2024) |
113. β Cephei Pulsators in Eclipsing Binaries Observed with TESS |
Eze, Christian I.; Handler, Gerald
Eze, C.;
Handler, G.
ApJS 272, 25 (2024) |
114. S-PLUS: Photometric Recalibration with the Stellar Color Regression Method and an Improved Gaia XP Synthetic Photometry Method |
Xiao et al.
Dotto Perottoni, H.
ApJS 271, 41 (2024) |
115. Toward a Comprehensive Grid of Cepheid Models with MESA. I. Uncertainties of the Evolutionary Tracks of Intermediate-mass Stars |
Ziółkowska et al.
Hocdé, V.;
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Ziółkowska, O.
ApJS 274, 30 (2024) |
116. Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Tracking the Transition on the Main Sequence of Quasars |
Panda, Swayamtrupta; Śniegowska, Marzena
Śniegowska, M.
ApJS 272, 13 (2024) |
117. A λ 3 mm Line Survey toward the Circumstellar Envelope of the Carbon-rich AGB Star IRC+10216 (CW Leo) |
Tuo et al.
Szczerba, R.
ApJS 271, 45 (2024) |
118. On the maximum black hole mass at solar metallicity |
Romagnolo, Amedeo ; Gormaz-Matamala, Alex C. ; Belczynski, Krzysztof
Belczyński, K.;
Gormaz-Matamala, A.;
Romagnolo, A.
Astrophysica 964, L23 (2024) |
119. Exploring Sulfur Chemistry in TMC-1 with NSRT |
Iqbal et al.
Szczerba, R.
ChPhL 41, 029501 (2024) |
120. DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light dark matter particles |
The DarkSide-20k Collaboration et al.
Ahmad, I.;
Kimura, M.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Kuźwa, K.;
Nieradka, G.;
Sunny, C.;
Wojaczyński, R.;
Zabihi, A.;
Zakhary, P.
Communicatio 7, 422 (2024) |
121. Photometric sample of early B-type pulsators in eclipsing binaries observed with TESS |
Eze, C. I.; Handler, G.
Eze, C.;
Handler, G.
CoSka 54, 70 (2024) |
122. Identifying noise transients in gravitational-wave data arising from nonlinear couplings |
Hall et al.
Suyamprakasam, S.
CQGra 41, 245016 (2024) |
123. Neural network time-series classifiers for gravitational-wave searches in single-detector periods |
Trovato et al.
Bejger, M.
CQGra 41, 125003 (2024) |
124. Atmospheric muons measured with the KM3NeT detectors in comparison with updated numeric predictions |
KM3NeT Collaboration et al.
Kalaczyński, P.
EPJC 84, 696 (2024) |
125. Astronomy potential of KM3NeT/ARCA |
KM3NeT Collaboration et al.
Kalaczyński, P.
EPJC 84, 885 (2024) |
126. X-ray pulsed light curves of highly compact neutron stars as probes of scalar–tensor theories of gravity |
Ottoni et al.
Pereira, J.
EPJC 84, 1337 (2024) |
127. Constraints on directionality effect of nuclear recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber |
DarkSide-20k Collaboration et al.
Ahmad, I.;
Hugues, T.;
Kimura, M.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Nieradka, G.;
Wada, M.;
Walczak, M.;
Wojaczyński, R.;
Zabihi, A.;
Zakhary, P.
EPJC 84, 24 (2024) |
128. Monte Carlo study of high-energy light ions for minibeam radiation therapy approach |
Rajabnejad, Mohaddeseh; Ghasemizad, Abbas; Zabihi, Azam
Zabihi, A.
EPJP 139, 1024 (2024) |
129. Design and implementation of a seismic Newtonian noise cancellation system for the Virgo gravitational-wave detector |
Koley et al.
Bulik, T.;
Cieślar, M.;
Pietrzak, M.;
Suchenek, M.
EPJP 139, 48 (2024) |
130. Dosimetric evaluation of light ion beams for spatially fractionated radiation therapy: a Geant4 Monte Carlo study |
Rajabnejad, Mohaddeseh; Ghasemizad, Abbas; Zabihi, Azam
Zabihi, A.
EPJP 139, 365 (2024) |
131. Quantum null-hypothesis device-independent Schmidt number witness |
Batle et al.
Rybotycki, T.
EPJQT 11, 62 (2024) |
132. Precise certification of a qubit space |
Białecki et al.
Rybotycki, T.
EPJQT 11, 21 (2024) |
133. A machine learning method for predicting telescope cycle time applied to the Cerro Murphy Observatory |
Kicia et al.
Chini, R.;
Górski, M.;
Kałuszyński, M.;
Kicia, M.;
Pietrzyński, G.
ExA 58, 19 (2024) |
134. Cosmic ray contributions from rapidly rotating stellar mass black holes: cosmic Ray GeV to EeV proton and anti-proton sources |
Allen et al.
Chini, R.
FrASS 11, 1386305 (2024) |
135. A two-step strategy to identify episodic sources of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos in starburst galaxies |
Allen et al.
Chini, R.
FrASS 11, 1394741 (2024) |
136. FAT-GEMs: (field assisted) transparent gaseous-electroluminescence multipliers |
Leardini et al.
Kuźniak, M.;
Nieradka, G.;
Sworobowicz, T.;
Ventura Cortez, A.
Frontiers in 2, 1 (2024) |
137. What Could be Achieved with a Million Qubits Quantum Annealer in Remote Sensing? |
Gawron et al.
Gawron, P.
IEEE Interna tmp, 475 (2024) |
138. Spectroscopic Time-Resolving Observatory for Broadband Energy X-ray high-energy modular array |
Hutcheson et al.
Zdziarski, A.
JATIS 10, 042503 (2024) |
139. Dark matter line searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array |
Abe et al.
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
JCAP 2024, 047 (2024) |
140. Extending preferred axion models via heavy-quark induced early matter domination |
Cheek, Andrew; Osiński, Jacek K.; Roszkowski, Leszek
Cheek, A.;
Osinski, J.;
Roszkowski, L.
JCAP 2024, 061 (2024) |
141. Searches for neutrino counterparts of gravitational waves from the LIGO/Virgo third observing run with KM3NeT |
Aiello et al.
Kalaczyński, P.
JCAP 2024, 026 (2024) |
142. Prospects for a survey of the galactic plane with the Cherenkov Telescope Array |
Abe et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
JCAP 2024, 081 (2024) |
143. Prospects for γ-ray observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster with the Cherenkov Telescope Array |
Abe et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
JCAP 2024, 004 (2024) |
144. Evidence for 3XMM J185246.6+003317 as a massive magnetar with a low magnetic field |
de Lima et al.
Bejger, M.;
Haensel, P.;
Pereira, J.;
Zdunik, J.
JHEAp 42, 52 (2024) |
145. Phenomenology of superheavy decaying dark matter from string theory |
Allahverdi et al.
Osinski, J.
JHEP 2024, 192 (2024) |
146. Bubble-wall velocity in local thermal equilibrium: hydrodynamical simulations vs analytical treatment |
Krajewski, Tomasz; Lewicki, Marek; Zych, Mateusz
Krajewski, T.
JHEP 2024, 11 (2024) |
147. Long-term temporal stability of the DarkSide-50 dark matter detector |
Agnes et al.
Hugues, T.;
Kimura, M.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Wada, M.
JInst 19, P05057 (2024) |
148. Study of low-energy nuclear recoils in liquid argon with the ReD experiment |
Pino et al.
Ahmad, I.;
Kimura, M.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Sunny, C.;
Wada, M.;
Wojaczyński, R.;
Zakhary, P.
JInst 19, C04054 (2024) |
149. <SUP>37</SUP>Ar source on-demand production and deployment for low-energy nuclear recoil measurement in ReD liquid Argon TPC |
Zakhary, P.; DarkSide collaboration
Zakhary, P.
JInst 19, C06003 (2024) |
150. DUNE Phase II: scientific opportunities, detector concepts, technological solutions |
Abed Abud et al.
Kuźniak, M.;
Ventura Cortez, A.
JInst 19, P12005 (2024) |
151. Cryogenic setup for the characterization of wavelength-shifting materials for noble element radiation detectors |
Choudhary et al.
Choudhary, S.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Nieradka, G.;
Sworobowicz, T.;
Ventura Cortez, A.
JInst 19, C05019 (2024) |
152. Analysis of the S1 triplet component in the DarkSide-50 experiment |
Sunny, Clea; DarkSide-50 collaboration
Sunny, C.
JInst 19, C07009 (2024) |
153. A new hybrid gadolinium nanoparticles-loaded polymeric material for neutron detection in rare event searches |
Acerbi et al.
Ahmad, I.;
Kimura, M.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Kuźwa, K.;
Nieradka, G.;
Sunny, C.;
Wada, M.;
Wojaczyński, R.;
Zabihi, A.;
Zakhary, P.
JInst 19, P09021 (2024) |
154. Development of wavelength-shifting PEN foils for next generation experiments |
Kuźniak et al.
Kuźniak, M.;
Nieradka, G.;
Ventura Cortez, A.
JInst 19, C05017 (2024) |
155. The Origin of the Flat Rotation Curves in Spiral Galaxies: The Hidden Roles of Glitching SMDEOs and Emission of Gravitational Waves |
Hujeirat, A.; Berczik, P.
Bertsyk, P.
Journal of M 15, 1523 (2024) |
156. TIC 184 743 498: the first tri-axial stellar pulsator |
Zhang et al.
Handler, G.
MNRAS 528, 3378 (2024) |
157. Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - III. The role of non-radial radiation pressure in dust dynamics |
Vinković, Dejan; Čemeljić, Miljenko
Cemeljic, M.
MNRAS 532, 2388 (2024) |
158. Probing intracluster dynamics and evolution of globular clusters through cataclysmic variable populations |
Oh et al.
Giersz, M.
MNRAS 532, 259 (2024) |
159. A physical model for radio and X-ray correlation in black hole X-ray binaries |
Jiang et al.
Zdziarski, A.
MNRAS 532, 4524 (2024) |
160. The enigmatic origin of two dormant BH binaries: Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2 |
Kotko, I.; Banerjee, S.; Belczynski, K.
Belczyński, K.;
Kotko, I.
MNRAS 535, 3577 (2024) |
161. Oscillation frequencies of moderately rotating delta scuti stars: asymmetric mode splittings due to non-spherical distortion |
Guo et al.
Guo, Z.;
Pamyatnykh, A.
MNRAS 535, 2927 (2024) |
162. General upper limit on the electric charge of Sgr A* in the Reissner-Nordström metric |
Mishra, Ruchi; Vieira, Ronaldo S. S.; Kluźniak, Włodek
Kluźniak, W.;
Mishra, R.
MNRAS 530, 3038 (2024) |
163. 3D hydrodynamic simulations of white dwarf-main-sequence star collisions - I. Head-on collisions |
van der Merwe et al.
Kamiński, T.
MNRAS 534, 3637 (2024) |
164. Energy equipartition in multiple-population globular clusters |
Livernois et al.
Askar, A.;
Giersz, M.;
Hypki, A.
MNRAS 534, 2397 (2024) |
165. The EBLM Project- XI. Mass, radius, and effective temperature measurements for 23 M-dwarf companions to solar-type stars observed with CHEOPS |
Swayne et al.
Miller, N.
MNRAS 528, 5703 (2024) |
166. Double-mode RR Lyrae stars observed by K2: analysis of high-precision Kepler photometry |
Nemec et al.
Moskalik, P.
MNRAS 529, 296 (2024) |
167. Unveiling energy pathways in AGN accretion flows with the warm corona model for the soft excess |
Ballantyne et al.
Palit, B.;
Różańska, A.
MNRAS 530, 1603 (2024) |
168. Rapid variability of Markarian 421 during extreme flaring as seen through the eyes of XMM-Newton |
Gokus et al.
Markowitz, A.
MNRAS 529, 1450 (2024) |
169. TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data |
Holdsworth et al.
Handler, G.
MNRAS 527, 9548 (2024) |
170. Characterization of the δ Scuti eclipsing binary KIC 4851217 and its tertiary companion as well as detection of tidally tilted pulsations |
Jennings et al.
Handler, G.
MNRAS 533, 2705 (2024) |
171. Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars - V. The circumbinary planet system EBLM J0608-59 |
Maxted et al.
Miller, N.
MNRAS 531, 4577 (2024) |
172. The DRAGON-II simulations - III. Compact binary mergers in clusters with up to 1 million stars: mass, spin, eccentricity, merger rate, and pair instability supernovae rate |
Arca sedda et al.
Bertsyk, P.;
Giersz, M.
MNRAS 528, 5140 (2024) |
173. Massive black hole binaries as sources of low-frequency gravitational waves and X-shaped radio galaxies |
Curyło, Małgorzata; Bulik, Tomasz
Bulik, T.
MNRAS 528, 1053 (2024) |
174. The DRAGON-II simulations - I. Evolution of single and binary compact objects in star clusters with up to 1 million stars |
Arca Sedda et al.
Bertsyk, P.;
Giersz, M.
MNRAS 528, 5119 (2024) |
175. ExoMol line lists - LIV. Empirical line lists for AlH and AlD and experimental emission spectroscopy of AlD in A<SUP>1</SUP>Π (v = 0, 1, 2) |
Yurchenko et al.
Schmidt, M.
MNRAS 527, 9736 (2024) |
176. Truncated, tilted discs as a possible source of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations |
Bollimpalli, D. A.; Fragile, P. C.; Dewberry, J. W.; Kluźniak, W.
Kluźniak, W.
MNRAS 528, 1142 (2024) |
177. Energy distribution and substructure formation in astrophysical MHD simulations |
Kayanikhoo, Fatemeh; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Wielgus, Maciek; Kluźniak, Włodek
Cemeljic, M.;
Kayanikhoo, F.;
Kluźniak, W.
MNRAS 527, 10151 (2024) |
178. A systematic study of the high-frequency bump in the black-hole low-mass X-ray binary GX 339 - 4 |
Zhang et al.
Zdziarski, A.
MNRAS 527, 5638 (2024) |
179. New insights on ν-DM interactions |
Brax et al.
Trojanowski, S.
MNRAS 527, L122 (2024) |
180. The wind of rotating B supergiants - II. The δ-slow hydrodynamic regime |
Venero et al.
Gormaz-Matamala, A.
MNRAS 527, 93 (2024) |
181. Single-lined eclipsing binaries with δ Scuti components: GQ Dra, RR Lep, and TYC 683-640-1 |
Kahraman Aliçavuş et al.
Handler, G.
MNRAS 527, 4076 (2024) |
182. A new tidal scenario for double bar formation |
Semczuk, Marcin; Łokas, Ewa L.; de Lorenzo-Cáceres, Adriana; Athanassoula, E.
Łokas, E.
MNRAS 528, L83 (2024) |
183. Ages and metallicities of stellar clusters using S-PLUS narrow-band integrated photometry: the Small Magellanic Cloud |
Fabiano de Souza et al.
Dotto Perottoni, H.
MNRAS 527, 1733 (2024) |
184. Constraining the physical properties of large-scale jets from black hole X-ray binaries and their impact on the local environment with blast-wave dynamical models |
Carotenuto et al.
Zdziarski, A.
MNRAS 533, 4188 (2024) |
185. Solaris photometric survey: Search for circumbinary companions using eclipse timing variations |
Moharana et al.
Hełminiak, K.;
Konacki, M.;
Moharana, A.;
Pawar, G.;
Pawar, T.
MNRAS 527, 53 (2024) |
186. Revisiting the classics: On the evolutionary origin of the 'Fe II' and 'He/N' spectral classes of novae |
Aydi et al.
Mikołajewska, J.
MNRAS 527, 9303 (2024) |
187. Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE |
Veledina et al.
Zdziarski, A.
NatAs 8, 1031 (2024) |
188. High performance Boson sampling simulation via data-flow engines |
Morse et al.
Rybotycki, T.
NJPh 26, 033033 (2024) |
189. On the existence of `Maia variables' |
Kahraman Aliçavuş et al.
Chowdhury, S.;
Handler, G.
PASA 41, e082 (2024) |
190. Mode identification and period fitting in six pulsating hot subdwarfs |
Sahoo et al.
Sahoo, S.
PASA 41, e041 (2024) |
191. Primordial black holes are true vacuum nurseries |
Hamaide, Louis; Heurtier, Lucien; Hu, Shi-Qian; Cheek, Andrew
Cheek, A.
PhLB 856, 138895 (2024) |
192. Search for dark photons with the FASER detector at the LHC |
Abreu et al.
Trojanowski, S.
PhLB 848, 138378 (2024) |
193. Quantum dimension witness with a single repeated operation |
Białecki, Tomasz; Rybotycki, Tomasz; Batle, Josep; Bednorz, Adam
Rybotycki, T.
PhRvA 109, L020201 (2024) |
194. Fluid figures of equilibrium orbiting Reissner-Nordström black holes and naked singularities |
Mishra, R.; Krajewski, T.; Kluźniak, W.;
Kluźniak, W.;
Krajewski, T.;
Mishra, R.
PhRvD 110, 124030 (2024) |
195. Adaptive algorithms for low-latency cancellation of seismic Newtonian-noise at the Virgo gravitational-wave detector |
Koley et al.
Bulik, T.;
Cieślar, M.;
Pietrzak, M.;
Suchenek, M.
PhRvD 110, 022002 (2024) |
196. Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run |
Abac et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Cieślar, M.;
Haskell, B.;
Morawski, F.;
Nieradka, G.;
Pietrzak, M.;
Suchenek, M.;
Sur, A.;
Suyamprakasam, S.;
Yadav, N.
PhRvD 110, 042001 (2024) |
197. Impact of stratified rotation on the moment of inertia of neutron stars |
Pereira et al.
Pereira, J.
PhRvD 110, 103014 (2024) |
198. Detecting the third family of compact stars with normalizing flows |
Carvalho, Valéria; Ferreira, Márcio; Providência, Constança; Bejger, Michał
Bejger, M.
PhRvD 109, 103032 (2024) |
199. GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run |
Abbott et al.
Bejger, M.;
Ciecieląg, P.;
Cieślar, M.;
Figura, P.;
Haskell, B.;
Morawski, F.;
Sur, A.
PhRvD 109, 022001 (2024) |
200. Search for dark matter annual modulation with DarkSide-50 |
Agnes et al.
Hugues, T.;
Kimura, M.;
Kuźniak, M.;
Wada, M.
PhRvD 110, 102006 (2024) |
201. Dark matter from mediator decay in early matter domination |
Allahverdi, Rouzbeh; Loc, Ngo Phuc Duc; Osiński, Jacek K.
Osinski, J.
PhRvD 110, 023511 (2024) |
202. Revisiting signatures of thermal axions in nonstandard cosmologies |
Arias et al.
Osinski, J.;
Roszkowski, L.
PhRvD 109, 123529 (2024) |
203. High-Statistics Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Electron Spectrum with H.E.S.S. |
Aharonian et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
PhRvL 133, 221001 (2024) |
204. Binary Coalescences as Sources of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays |
Pereira, Jonas P.; Coimbra-Araújo, Carlos H.; dos Anjos, Rita C.; Coelho, Jaziel G.
Pereira, J.
PhRvL 132, 091401 (2024) |
205. Outflows from Naked Singularities, Infall through the Black Hole Horizon: Hydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion in the Reissner-Nordström Space-Time |
Kluźniak, Włodek; Krajewski, Tomasz
Kluźniak, W.;
Krajewski, T.
PhRvL 133, 241401 (2024) |
206. Acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons in the jets of the microquasar SS 433 |
H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al.
Kluźniak, W.;
Moderski, R.;
Rudak, B.;
Zdziarski, A.
Sci 383, 402 (2024) |
207. Modeling the inner part of the jet in M87: Confronting jet morphology with theory |
Yang et al.
Zdziarski, A.
SciA 10, eadn3544 (2024) |
208. Event generators for high-energy physics experiments |
Campbell et al.
Trojanowski, S.
SciPost Phys 16, 130 (2024) |