Seminarium odbywa się w środy o 11:15 w warszawskim oddziale Centrum Astronomicznego lub w wersji online na platformie Zoom. Językiem wykładowym jest angielski; seminarium prowadzi dr Stanisław Bajtlik (bajtlik@camk.edu.pl). Zapraszamy również osoby spoza Centrum Astronomicznego. W sprawie szczegółów technicznych prosimy kontaktować się e-mailowo z dr. Stanisławem Bajtlikiem.
Azam Zabihi (CAMK/AstroCeNt, Warsaw)
DarkSide-20k: DS-20k is the next iteration in a series of direct detection Dark Matter (DM) experiments utilizing Liquid Argon (LAr) as the detection medium. Building on the success of its predecessor, DarkSide-50 (DS-50), which deployed ∼50 kg of Underground Argon (UAr), DS-20k aims to scale up to 100 tons of UAr, presenting significant technological challenges. The DS-Mockup serves as an intermediate detector designed to demonstrate key components and feasibility for DS-20k. This talk will outline the goals and tests of the DS-Mockup, focusing on the feasibility of assembling a scaled-down version of DS-20k to validate the mechanical and electrical dimensions of the detector, essential for future advancements. Development of the Most Sensitive Dark Matter Detector with Liquid Argon: The Dark Matter Detector with Liquid Argon is being developed to enhance sensitivity to low-mass WIMPs and electron-scattering DM. The scientific goal of the project is to reduce background noise and improve detection sensitivity in three critical areas: minimizing impurities in LAr, reducing radioactivity in photodetectors, and improving understanding of LAr response. This approach could potentially extend the search for dark matter to lower mass regions, enhancing the scientific reach of next-generation detectors like DS-20k. 3Dπ: three-dimensional positron imaging: 3Dπ is a novel total-body PET scanner using liquid argon (LAr) doped with xenon (Xe) as a scintillator material. By leveraging emerging technology from dark matter detection, 3Dπ integrates time-of-flight (TOF) technology and ultra-fast readout electronics for ultra-low dose imaging. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we evaluate 3Dπ's performance in terms of noise equivalent count rate (NECR), spatial resolution, and TOF resolution, showing significant improvements over traditional PET systems. The design promises reduced scan times and radiation exposure, offering a breakthrough in PET imaging technology with applications in clinical diagnostics.
Journal Club odbywa się w poniedziałki o 11:15 w Sali Seminaryjnej warszawskiego Centrum Astronomicznego. Językiem wykładowym jest angielski. Spotkania prowadzą koordynatorzy Journal Club. Osoby zainteresowane wygłoszeniem prezentacji zachęcamy do kontaktowania się poprzez email: journalclub(@camk.edu.pl).
Piotr Życki (NCAC, Warsaw)
Based on https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ad2a53 from Wu et al. (Apr 2024)