Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw, Poland, invites applications for postdoctoral position in the field of physics of neutron stars. The successful applicants will work on the project “Neutron-star crusts and X-ray transients” funded by the Polish National Science Centre. Position is available initially for two years with possible extension for a third year. Funding for travel and research equipment will also be provided. The preferred starting date is October 1st, 2014. Candidates are required to have completed their PhD degree in astronomy, physics or related field before the starting date and no earlier than in 2010. The applicants should provide a CV, a copy of the PhD diploma, a list of publications, a statement of scientific interests and plans (2 pages) and arrange for two letters of recommendation. Applications (in pdf format) and questions concerning the positions should be sent to Application deadline: July 31st, 2014.