
» Highlighted research

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The Colloquia are held in a "hybrid mode": both in the lecture hall and online or online only (speaker's decision).
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Forthcoming seminars

Journal Club 24.03.2025

Agata Różańska

Bennu Asteroid
Wednesday Colloquium 26.03.2025

Azam Zabihi

Advances in Dark Matter Detection and 3Dπ PET Imaging Technology

Abbas Askar

Dancing Among the Stars: How Black Holes Merge in Star Clusters

» Announcements

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(The announcements in Polish are of local interest only)

» Our recent papers on arXiv

arXiv:2503.12263[pdf, other]
arXiv:2503.10532[pdf, other]
Period-Luminosity Relations for Galactic Type II Cepheids in the Sloan bands
Comments:Comments: 20 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in A&A
arXiv:2503.14141[pdf, other]
The CatSouth Quasar Candidate Catalog for the Southern Sky and a Unified All-Sky Catalog Based on Gaia DR3
Comments:20 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted to ApJS. The catalogs (CatSouth, and CatGlobe) can be downloaded in https://nadc.china-vo.org/res/r101575/
arXiv:2503.13285[pdf, other]
arXiv:2503.13953[pdf, other]
arXiv:2503.13426[pdf, other]
The R-Process Alliance: Hunting for gold in the near-UV spectrum of 2MASS J05383296-5904280
Comments:13 pages, 6 Figures, accepted for publication in A&A