Job examples



General rules & script format

  • Each line begining with #SBATCH is interpreted as sbatch/srun command line option - see  'man sbatch'  for available options.
  • Other lines begining with # are comments ( e.g. ##SBATCH is a comment).
  • All other lines are executed as in a regular shell script.
  • The SLURM job is composed of multiple steps initiated by srun command. If you do not use srun inside the job script - everything is executed in one step. In general you can have many subsequent srun commands, each using a subset of allocated resources (see MPI example). Using steps gives much more flexibility and allows to monitor job progress with command sacct.
  • With option '--mail-type=END' , after job completes, you will get an email with a summary of consumed resources - it can help to tighten job limits.
  • By default SLURM will export all environment variables from the submission shell to your job. It is however a good practice to purge all loaded modules and load only the ones you need in the job.
  • In case of failure of the node or other problems SLURM will requeue an unfinished job and it will be started from the beginning. Depending on your case it may be undesirable (e.g. some files may be overwritten) - you can disable this behaviour using option `--no-requeue`.
  • SLURM sets many useful shell variables in in the job's shell, e.g. SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR contains the path of the directory from which the job was submited. Please see `man sbatch` for the full list.


For the full SLURM documentation please refer to


SLURM accounts.
To submit a job, each user have to be assigned to the SLURM account which limits usage of resources. By default all users are assigned to camk (only camk emploees) or guest account. In addition, for groups which made substantial financial contribution, there are separate accounts with higher fairshare. The default account is used automatically, to select other account use option '-A'.


Note: all examples below assume bash as a user shell.


Serial jobs

A simple script with comments


#! /bin/bash -l
## Job name
#SBATCH -J testjob
## Allocate N nodes
## ntasks per node (= number of processes = number of cores)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
## memory per core
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB
## maximum time (HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
## partition (queue) to use
#SBATCH -p short
## stdout
#SBATCH --output="stdout.txt"
## stderr
#SBATCH --error="stderr.txt"
## Use account (requred only if different from default camk)
#SBATCH -A camk
##send an email when done
#SBATCH --mail-type=END

## jobs starts in $HOME; go to the submission directory
# run code redirecting stdout and stderr to a file
./my_code >& out.txt


Important: Please note that the standard out and err streams from the code are redirected to a file despite the specification of standard out and err for the job. This is very important unless stdout/stderr from your code is less than a few MB. The job output is spooled locally on the execution node and copied to the user working directory only after the job completes. Since the spool size is small (a few GB) you can overfill the disk and crash all the jobs on the node. With redirection approach you avoid this and in addition you can monitor out.txt during runtime.

Array of serial jobs

It is possible to start N copies of a job using option '-a' (array). In the example below we start 100 jobs with id ranging from 0 to 99. The id is available in the job as a shell variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID and can be used to parametrize the job.


#! /bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J testarr
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500MB
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH -p short
#SBATCH --open-mode=append
#SBATCH --output="stdout-%a.txt"
#SBATCH --error="stderr-%a.txt"
#SBATCH -A camk
#SBATCH -a 0-99

echo "task $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID on host $(/bin/hostname)" >> out-$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.txt

More sophisticated ranges are possible:

  • -a 0,6,16-32
  • -a 0-15:4    (use step 4, equivalent to -a 0,4,8,12)
  • -a 0-499%4  (500 jobs but only 4 can run simultaneously - please consider this if you have a disk intensive jobs to prevent filesystem slowdown)

Parallel MPI jobs

Parallel jobs must use queue para. SLURM was designed to run primarily parallel jobs so actually there is no need for separate launcher - it is built in srun command. But it supports mpiexec too. In the example below we allocate 8 stask but in the first step only one task is used to compile the code. In the second step we start MPI application on all allocated resources using mechanism built in srun - option --mpi=pmi2 is required!


#! /bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J testmvapich2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500MB
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH -p para
#SBATCH --output="stdout.txt"
#SBATCH --error="stderr.txt"
#SBATCH -A camk

module purge
module add mpi/mvapich2-x86_64
#just a serial task (step)
srun -n 1 mpicc -o mpi-test mpi-test.c
srun --mpi=pmi2 ./mpi-test
# above works for mvapich, if you use openmpi use mpiexec as a launcher
# mpiexec ./mpi-test

Parallel OpenMP jobs

This applies also to Mathematica jobs (however do not use more than 4 threads).

#! /bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J testopenmp
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH -c 10
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500MB
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH -p para
#SBATCH --output="stdout.txt"
#SBATCH --error="stderr.txt"
#SBATCH -A camk

time ./compute_pi

Please note the red part: for OpenMP jobs you ask for one task and multiple cpus (threads). It will not work if jou just ask for 10 tasks per node like for MPI job.

Interactive jobs


To start an interactive job (e.g. to compile, test, debug, profile the code) use:

srun -p interactive --pty bash

Interactive partition is dedicated and always on but limited to serial jobs. You can however request `--pty bash` in any partition, e.g. use para partition to test/debug parallel codes or gpu for interactive work on GPUs.

For graphical applications please add `--x11` option (of course before you have to ssh to chuck with -X option: `ssh -X chuck`)


GPU jobs


GPU cards are available as generic resources. To ask for specific GPU architecture use:

srun -p gpu --gres=gpu:turing:1 --pty bash

This command starts an interactive session on a gpu partition allocating 1 GPU with kepler architecture. You can verify gpu availablility with command nvidia-smi. For a list of available architectures and node configurations please refer to Hardware page.