Iwona Kotko

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Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Post-Doc

Division: Astrophysics II (Warsaw)

ORCID: 0000-0002-1886-2237



E-mail: ikotko@camk.edu.pl

Iwona Kotko is a postdoctoral researcher at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK) in Warsaw.

In 2012 she completed her Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Pierre Lasota-Hirszowicz at the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University (Cracow, Poland). In her thesis she investigated the outbursts in close binary systems. After that she stayed for two years (2012-2014) at CAMK conducting her postdoctoral fellowship. In years 2015-2017 she worked as an IT Customer Support at the Institute for Cyberscience of the Pennsylvania State University (USA) and as data analysis specialist for the AIUT company (Gliwice, Poland).

In 2022 she started her work in a group of Prof. Krzysztof Belczyński, which focuses on the gravitational wave astrophysics. Her research regards the evolution of X-ray binaries, in the context of the formation of neutron stars and black holes merging, which are sources of gravitational waves detectable by LIGO/VIRGO.

The list of and links to her publications are available in the NASA ADS database.

Research interests
  • gravitational waves,
  • X-ray binaries.