The distance from Warsaw Chopin (Okęcie) Airport is approx. 10 km. The best way to get from the Airport to NCAC is by taxi. At the airport take a taxi from those waiting outside the arrival hall (they must have a name of the taxi company and a phone number). We recommend SUPER TAXI which can be found at the TAXI stop next to the exit from the ARRIVAL TERMINAL A, or contact the people at the SUPER TAXI Stand at the ARRIVAL TERMINAL A. They accept VISA and most other credit cards. DO NOT ACCEPT any offers from people inside the arrival hall. Taxi will take 20-30 min and should cost about 30-50 PLN (1 Euro is about 4.2 PLN).
Warsaw Central Train Station (Warszawa Centralna) is located approx. 4 km from NCAC. The best way to get from there to NCAC is by taxi. Rail timetable
Ther are two bus lines that stop near NCAC: 108 and 167. See public transport journey planner and timetables and/or timetables from the ZTM Warsaw.
We recommend to use taxi corporations.