Sudhagar Suyamprakasam (NCAC, Warsaw)
Noise in various interferometer systems can sometimes couple non-linearly to create excess noise in the gravitational wave (GW) strain data. Third-order statistics, such as bicoherence and biphase, can identify these couplings and help discriminate those occurrences from astrophysical GW signals. However, the conventional analysis can yield large bicoherence values even when no phase-coupling is present, thereby, resulting in false identifications. Introducing artificial phase randomization in computing the bicoherence reduces such occurrences with negligible impact on its effectiveness for detecting true phase-coupled disturbances. We demonstrate this property with simulated disturbances in this work. Statistical hypothesis testing is used for distinguishing phase-coupled disturbances from non-phase coupled ones when employing the phase-randomized bicoherence. We also obtain an expression for the bicoherence value that minimizes the sum of the probabilities of false positives and false negatives. This can be chosen as a threshold for shortlisting bicoherence triggers for further scrutiny for the presence of non-linear coupling. Finally, the utility of the phase-randomized bicoherence analysis in GW time-series data is demonstrated for the following three scenarios: (1) Finding third-order statistical similarities within categories of noise transients, such as blips and koi fish. If these non-Gaussian noise transients, or glitches, have a common source, their bicoherence maps can have similarities arising from common bifrequencies related to that source. (2) Differentiating linear or non-linear phase-coupled glitches from compact binary coalescence signals through their bicoherence maps. This is explained with a simulated signal. (3) Identifying repeated bifrequencies in the second and third observation runs (i.e., O2 and O3) of LIGO and Virgo.
Hall, Suyamprakasam, et al., (2024)
Oliwia Ziółkowska (NCAC, Warsaw)
We present a comprehensive characterization of the evolved thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) star R Hydrae, building on the techniques applied in Stellar Evolution in Real Time I (Molnár et al. 2019) to T Ursae Minoris. We compute over 3000 theoretical TP-AGB pulse spectra using MESA and GYRE and combine these with classical observational constraints and nearly 400 years of measurements of R Hya's period evolution to fit R Hya's evolutionary and asteroseismic features. Two hypotheses for the mode driving R Hya's period are considered. Solutions that identify this as the fundamental mode (FM) as well as the first overtone (O1) are consistent with observations. Using a variety of statistical tests, we find that R Hya is most likely driven by the FM and currently occupies the ``power down'' phase of an intermediate pulse (TP ~ 9-16). We predict that its pulsation period will continue to shorten for millennia. Using supplementary calculations from the Monash stellar evolution code, we also find that R Hya is likely to have undergone third dredge-up in its most recent pulse. The MESA+GYRE model grid used in this analysis includes exact solutions to the adiabatic equations of stellar oscillation for the first 10 radial-order pressure modes for every time step in every evolutionary track. The grid is fully open-source and packaged with a data visualization application. This is the first publicly available grid of TP-AGB models with seismology produced with MESA.
Piotr Życki (NCAC, Warsaw)
Accretion of material onto a black hole drags any magnetic fields present inwards, increasing their strength. Theory predicts that sufficiently strong magnetic fields can halt the accretion flow, producing a magnetically arrested disk (MAD). We analyzed archival multiwavelength observations of an outburst from the black hole x-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 in 2018. The radio and optical fluxes were delayed compared with the x-ray flux by about 8 and 17 days, respectively. We interpret this as evidence for the formation of a MAD. In this scenario, the magnetic field is amplified by an expanding corona, forming a MAD around the time of the radio peak. We propose that the optical delay is due to thermal viscous instability in the outer disk.
You et al. (2023)
Gerald Hande, Amedeo Romagnolo & Alex Gormaz-Matamala, Miljenko Cemeljic (NCAC, Warsaw)
1. Gerald Hander "TIC 184743498: the first tri-axial stellar pulsator" by Zhang et al. 2024, MNRAS, 528, 3378 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2024MNRAS.528.3378Z/abstract 2. Amedeo Romagnolo & Alex Gormaz-Matamala " On the maximum black hole mass at solar metallicity" by Amedeo et al. 2024, ApJL, submitted https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023arXiv231118841R/abstract Depending on external factors, these two talks might be followed by a special, short talk by Miljenko Cemeljic on "Art preceding science: auroras on pulsar planets".