Special Seminars


"Relativistic hot accretion flow around black holes"

Santabrata Das (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India)

We develop a model formalism to study the structure of a relativistic, viscous, optically thin, advective accretion flow around a rotating black hole in presence of radiative coolings. While doing this, we adopt a recently developed effective potential to mimic the spacetime geometry around the rotating black holes. We solve the governing equations to obtain the shock-induced global accretion solutions in terms of flow parameters. Using shock properties, we compute the quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) frequency ($\nu_{\rm QPO}$) of the post-shock matter (equivalently post-shock corona) pragmatically, when the shock front exhibits quasi-periodic variations. We also calculate the luminosity of the entire disc for these shock solutions. Employing our results, we find that the present formalism is potentially promising to account the observed $\nu_{\rm QPO}$ and bolometric luminosity of a ULX sources.