Adi Nusser (Technion, Haifa)
The equivalence principle ensures that galaxy motions are unbiased with respect to the velocity field of the underlying mass density field, making galaxy peculiar motions our only direct probe of the three-dimensional distribution of dark matter. However, analyzing peculiar velocity data is challenging due to large errors that increase with distance and the sparse spatial coverage of the data. The talk will discuss methods for constraining cosmology using observed galaxy motions, including traditional approaches and new AI/ML-based methods.
Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk and Jarosław Włodarczyk (Institute of English Studies, Warsaw University (ACW), Institute for the History of Science PAN (AW))
London at the turn of the 17th century is one of the most fascinating places to investigate the reception of the new astronomy propelled by the Copernican revolution and astronomical observations. William Shakespeare’s imagery has been typically placed within the geocentric model of the universe, firmly anchored in the medieval paradigm, denying any impact of the new models of cosmos. But was he really so ignorant of the ongoing revolution? The much overused dichotomy between geo- vs. heliocentrism does not give justice to the complex intellectual climate of the age. Drawing on the history of astronomy and literary linguistic analysis, we argue that Shakespeare’s references to the unsphered and disorbed planets and stars are better understood when viewed in the light of the disputes of the times, the decline of the concept of the celestial orbs in particular. Hence we shall rehearse the 16 th century astronomy to read Shakespeare’s metaphors.
Anna Barnacka
Dr. hab. Anna Barnacka defended her PhD at CAMK PAN in parallel with a French PhD given at the same time (under the agreement of a double PhD program between Poland and France). She got her postdoc position at Harvard, and shortly after she was awarded the prestigious Einstein fellowship. But then, her career took a turn into medicine and technologies. She is an owner of MindMics start-up, in which she developed a new technology for monitoring heart rate via headphones into the phone. Let's meet her and take a look at her fascinating career path.