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50 rocznica odkrycia pulsarów

28 listopada 1967 roku został odkryty pierwszy pulsar. Nasze środowe Colloquium 29 listopada 2017 (godz. 11:15) będzie poświęcone 50. rocznicy tego odkrycia. Bryn Haskell wygłosi wykład "50 Years of Pulsars", o historii odkrycia, teorii pulsarów i znaczeniu ich badań. Po wykładzie poczęstunek. Zapraszamy. Wykład w języku angielskim.



Neutron stars are the most exotic nuclear physics laboratories in the universe. With a mass similar to that of the sun, packed in a 10 km radius, their interior densities can exceed nuclear density, and constituents are expected to be superfluid and superconducting. These stars also carry some of the strongest magnetic fields in nature (more than a million times that of the Earth, even for the most weakly magnetised stars), and thus allow us to probe the fundamental forces of nature in extreme conditions. Neutron stars were first observed 50 years ago as pulsating radio sources, or 'pulsars'. In this talk I will review this discovery and what we have learned in these 50 years, including how neutron stars can be used to test general relativity, explore high density physics and even detect gravitational waves.

