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Scholarship in analysis of eclipsing binary stars

The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Toruń, Poland, invites applications for a student scholarship funded by the National Science Center (NCN). The successful applicant will collaborate with dr hab. Krzysztof Hełminiak on the project "Detached eclipsing binaries in the era of satellite photometric surveys", through the OPUS grant nr 2023/49/B/ST9/01671.


The studentship with an amount of 5.000 PLN/month, gross is available for a period of 2 years, with a possibility of extension.


The task of the student is to conduct radial velocity (RV), photometric, and spectral analyses of a sample of detached eclipsing binaries, mainly from the first observing zone of the PLATO mission. Photometric data from TESS and spectroscopic data from the CREME survey will be provided. Additional photometric and spectroscopic data are expected to be gathered and analysed by the successful candidate.


The main requirement for this position is the possession of a valid MSc degree or equivalent in astronomy (or physics, mathematics or engineering). Advantages will be: good knowledge of the English language, experience with programming, as well as experience in the analysis of photometric and spectroscopic data and binary modelling techniques.


The applicants should provide:

- a copy of their diploma,

- a CV including education history, information about eventual scientific achievements (publications, awards and scholarships, participation in scientific conferences, workshops and research programs),

- a short letter of motivation,

- and a signed GDPR declaration, available at:



Applications should be sent in pdf form to with a subject "Scholarship in analysis of eclipsing binary stars".

Deadline for applications is July 7, 2024, 23:59 CET.


The applications will be reviewed by the recruitment committee according to the "Regulations for awarding NCN scholarships for NCN-funded research projects" (Annex to Resolution No nr 124/2022 of the NCN Council, dated on December 01, 2022).


The contest will be resolved by July 19, 2024 and the envisaged starting date is 01 September 2024.


Enquiries about the studentship can also be addressed to

