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Studentship in Star Cluster Dynamics and Black Hole Growth

The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CAMK PAN) in Warsaw, Poland, invites applications for a masters student project funded by the National Science Center (NCN). The successful applicant will collaborate with Dr. Abbas Askar on the project “Growth of black holes in stellar clusters”, through the POLONEZ BIS grant No. 2021/43/P/ST9/03167 co-funded by the National Science Centre and the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945339.

The studentship with an amount of 3000 PLN/month, gross is available for a period of 3 months.

The project will commence on 28th April 2025.

We are seeking a Master's student to investigate the observable properties of dense star clusters that host intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) using results from MOCCA star cluster simulations. The student will analyze simulation snapshots to construct surface brightness profiles, velocity dispersion profiles, and stellar population distributions in models containing an IMBH. They will develop and apply data analysis pipelines to identify kinematic and photometric features that may indicate the presence of an IMBH, comparing clusters that host an IMBH with other simulated models to determine how its presence influences the overall structure, motion of stars, and distribution of stellar populations, thereby identifying potential observational signatures.

The main requirement for this position is a bachelor’s degree in astronomy, astrophysics, or physics. Applicants must either be currently enrolled in a full-time first or second-cycle degree programme or uniform Master’s studies at a university in Poland

Preferred Qualifications: Applicants should have proficiency in English (written and spoken). Knowledge of programming and data analysis (e.g., Python, Fortran, or C) and a background in numerical simulations or astrophysical data analysis will be considered an advantage.

The applicants should provide:
- A CV detailing education history, as well as any work or research experience.
- A short letter of motivation (maximum 1 page).
- A copy of their bachelor’s diploma and transcripts.
- Master’s transcripts (if available) and proof of enrollment in a master’s program (e.g., confirmation from the dean’s office).
- and a signed GDPR declaration, available at:

Applications should be sent in pdf form to with a subject "Studentship in Star Cluster Dynamics and Black Hole Growth”.

Deadline for applications is 13th April 2025, 23:59 CET.

The applications will be reviewed by the recruitment committee soon after this date and will be resolved by 23rd April 2025. The review will be carried out according to the "Regulations for awarding NCN scholarships for NCN-funded research projects" (Annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council, dated on March 14, 2019).

Enquiries about the studentships can also be addressed to Dr. Abbas Askar (

