Vasily Beskin (Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow)
We study the influence of the propagation effects on the mean profiles of radio pulsars including into consideration the transition from geometrical optics to vacuum propagation, the cyclotron absorption, and the wave refraction simultaneously. The one-to-one correspondence between the signs of circular polarization and position angle derivative along the profile for both ordinary and extraordinary waves is predicted. Using the numerical integration we now can model the main profiles of radio pulsars.
Kenij Toma (Osaka University)
AGN jets are considered to be produced by injecting magnetic and/or thermal energies into the dilute polar region, where the mass loading processes are essential for determining the jet properties. We discuss the role of the relativistic neutrons escaped from the accretion flow for the mass loading (as well as thermal energy injection).
Andrzej Zdziarski (Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw)
We consider two examples, Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3. In both cases, the jets appear to have two distinct dissipation regions, an inner one on the scale of the binary orbit (which is thus orbitally modulated) and outer one, resolved in radio images. We constrain the contribution of the jets to broad-band spectra, in particular to X-rays and gamma-rays, and estimate their kinetic power.
Jan Kalinowski (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University)
In December last year both ATLAS and CMS collaborations presented their results on the Standard Model Higgs boson searches at the LHC experiments. Tantalising hints have been seen by both experiments in the 124-126 GeV mass region, however not strong enough to claim a discovery. In my lecture I will summarise the current state of the Higgs boson hunt and discuss possible theoretical implications of a discovery of the Higgs boson in the above mass range, if confirmed, as well as consequences for model building, if the observed excess turns to be a statistical fluctuation.
Andrzej Królak (Institute of Mathematics, PAN, Warsaw)
I shall present astrophysical evidence for the existence of gravitational radiation. I shall describe the current and planned projects to detect such waves. I shall report results of current searches for gravitational waves in data of LIGO and VIRGO detectors. I shall also mention the current activity in this field in Poland.