Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw, Poland, invites applications for a student scholarship funded by the Polish National Science Center. The successful applicant will collaborate with dr Radosław Smolec on the project „Classical pulsators through diverse stellar systems: contrast between pulsation modes”. The student will analyse the photometric data of RR Lyrae stars, with the goals of detecting Blazhko-type modulation and studying its properties. The position is available for one year with a monthly stipend of 800PLN.
- BSc degree in astronomy (or physics, mathematics)
- fluent English
- good knowledge of at least one programming language
The applicants should provide a CV, list of marks for the lectures and course taken and information about scientific achievements (publications, awards and scholarships, participation in scientific conferences, workshops and research programs). Application should be sent in pdf form to Deadline for applications is 15 May 2016.