The Department of Astrophysics of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC), in Torun, Poland invites candidates for a postdoctoral position at NCAC Torun in the field of stellar astrophysics. The successful applicant will work with Dr Krzysztof Hełminiak on the creation and publication of the Torun Set of Eclipsing Binaries with an Open On-Line Archive (TSEBOOLA), which is a part of a project funded by the Polish National Science Center. The work will include conducting spectroscopic and photometric observations, the analysis of high-resolution spectra and optical photometry (IRAF package and Python preferred), and developement of the data base, including implmentation of access interfaces and a web portal for operating astronomical analysis tools.
Experience in Windows Server systems administration, SQL Server data bases administration, and programing secure web services (.NET) along with access interfaces will be welcome.
The position is available for two years. The preferred starting date is November 1st, 2017, with the possibility of postponing it by no later than February 2018. The salary of the successful candidate will be competetive in comparison to that of Polish researchers at the same career stage. The candidate for postdoc positions is expected to have a valid PhD degree in astronomy or related discipline at the starting date.
NCAC is the leading astrophysical institute in Poland, hosting about 50 staff researchers and 30 PhD students. NCAC scientists participate in many international projects, e.g., BRITE, Herschel, CTA, SALT, ATHENA.
Applications should include:
- a CV with list of refereed publications;
- a copy of the PhD diploma, or statement of the advancement in the PhD process (with expected date of the defence);
- a short statement of research interest and experience in development of data bases and web services (maximum 3 pages);
- name and contact information to at least two reference persons
All documents (in pdf format) should be sent to: by July 31st, 2017. The review of the applications will begin soon after this date and continue until the position is filled.
Further enquiries should be sent to Dr Krzysztof Hełminiak: