Our colleague Tek Prasad Adhikari has been awarded Springer distinction for “Outstanding Ph.D. Research”. His Ph.D. thesis "Photoionization Modelling as a Density Diagnostic of Line Emitting/Absorbing Regions in Active Galactic Nuclei" has been published as a book. As Springer declares: “the series “Springer Theses” brings together a selection of the very best Ph.D. theses from around the world and across the physical sciences. Nominated and endorsed by two recognized specialists, each published volume has been selected for its scientific excellence and the high impact of its contents for the pertinent field of research”. Tek Prasad Adhikari was a Ph.D. student at the Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw during 2013 – 2018 period. His Ph.D. supervisor was professor Agata Różańska. At present Tek is a postdoc at The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India.