Archives December 2019


Creation date: 12.12.2019,   Archive date: 12.12.2019

Dostawa oprogramowania do projektowania układów elektronicznych oraz płytek PCB

Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika PAN w Warszawie zaprasza do składania ofert w postępowaniu nie wymagającym … more Dostawa oprogramowania do projektowania układów elektronicznych oraz płytek PCB»

Creation date: 12.12.2019,   Archive date: 12.12.2019

Short-term position in numerical studies of high-energy accretion processes

Applications are invited for a six month position concerning numerical studies of accretion processes around neutron … more Short-term position in numerical studies of high-energy accretion processes»

Creation date: 11.12.2019,   Archive date: 11.12.2019
Creation date: 09.12.2019,   Archive date: 09.12.2019

Scholarships on neutron star physics

The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center is opening a scholarship to work on neutron star physics and … more Scholarships on neutron star physics»

Creation date: 02.12.2019,   Archive date: 04.12.2019

PhD Position in Astrophysics of AGNs

Applications are invited for two Ph.D. scholarship positions in astrophysics at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center … more PhD Position in Astrophysics of AGNs»

Creation date: 03.12.2019,   Archive date: 03.12.2019
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