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Short-term position in numerical studies of high-energy accretion processes

Applications are invited for a six month position concerning numerical studies of accretion processes around neutron stars which will be financed by the NCN grant (no: 2019/33/B/ST9/01564).

The expected starting date of the appointment is January 3, 2020, contingent on the formal signing of the requisite contract, related to the already awarded grant, by NCN and the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center. The successful applicant will be required to design and carry out massively parallel general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamic (GRRMHD) simulations of super-Eddington accretion onto magnetized neutron stars as a model of ultraluminous X-ray sources and study the effect of the system parameters such as accretion rate and magnetic field strength on its observational signatures.  The successful applicant will work with the grant PI, Prof. Włodek Kluźniak, on analyzing and publishing the results of the simulations.


The position is aimed at advanced PhD students, and the applicant should demonstrate the ability to perform and publish numerical work with a high degree of scientific quality. It will be necessary to have advanced knowledge of the GRRMHD code, Koral, and knowledge of techniques that will allow for the successful simulation of plasma in the highly magnetized environment around neutron stars and thus, knowledge of the C programming language is essential, including experience with MPI and GSL libraries. The successful applicant will also be required to reduce and analyze the simulation data and so knowledge of Python including its scientific libraries, e.g., numpy, scipy, and matplotlib, or equivalent is strongly recommended. The applicants should achieve a high level of written and verbal communication in the English language.


Candidates should submit an application including:

- a CV, a copy of the master's diploma, or a certificate confirming their PhD student status, as well as information on research experience (participation in research projects, publications, awards, etc) and research interests, a scan of signed GDPD form - available from: https://www.camk.edu.pl/en/about/ochrona-danych-osobowych/#rodocent (NCN DGPD documents).

They should also arrange for at least one recommendation letter to be sent to the address below.


Applications should be sent in PDF format to:

recruitment(at)camk.edu.pl by December 29, 2019.


Any questions about the competition can be sent to: wlodek(at)camk.edu.pl


