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Information on the outcome of the competitions for the postdoc positions (3x)

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences  (CAMK PAN) informs that in the competition, announced on 8 May 2024, 24 April 2024 and 21 February 2024 , for the post-doc positions, funded from the National Science Centre (NCN), the selection committee recommended and the CAMK PAN Scientific Council approved the employment of the following researchers:

- within the OPUS-22 research project nr 2021/43/B/ST9/01714, led by Prof. Michał Bejger - Dr Loïc Perot;

- within the OPUS-25 reasearch project nr 2023/49/B/ST9/01783, under the guidance of Prof. Jarosław Dyks - Dr Tridib Roy;

within the SONATA Bis-9 research project nr 2019/34/E/ST9/00133, led by Prof. Rodolfo Smiljanic - Mr Thibault Boulet, provided that all formal requirements are met by the date of commencement of employment.

