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Black holes are among the most enigmatic objects in the Universe, and their mergers are some of the most energetic events ever observed. With the advent of gravitational wave astronomy, we now have a new window into these cosmic collisions. This talk explores how star clusters—dense environments where stars are born and interact—serve as natural factories for producing merging black holes. We begin with an introduction to black holes, gravitational waves, and the groundbreaking discoveries made by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration through ground-based gravitational wave detectors. Then, we delve into the physics of star clusters, discussing how dynamical interactions in these dense and crowded environments lead to black hole binaries that eventually merge due to gravitational wave emission. Through computer simulations, we explore how these binaries form and evolve, shedding light on the origin of some of the black hole mergers detected by gravitational wave observatories.By understanding the role of star clusters, we can better interpret current observations and prepare for future discoveries with planned space-based gravitational wave detectors like LISA.
Wykład w języku angielskim.
Dr. Matteo Guainazzi (European Space and Technology Center of ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
Black holes lurk everywhere in the cosmos. They shape the evolution of the galaxies hosting them, constitute unique laboratory of extreme physics, and could contribute to the elusive "dark matter". Being "dark", Humankind has been able only very recently to take direct "images" of their shadow. However, their surroundings are far from being "dark": they are copious sources of high-energy radiation, X-rays and γ-rays. Space observatories of the European Space Agency (ESA) have been chasing these signals for decades, and the Polish scientific community has given a key contribution to their understanding. Furthermore, pairs of black holes dancing around each other trigger ripples in the space-time fabric: gravitational waves, which Humankind has also recently learned to decode. ESA is preparing the first space-born mission to listen to the gravitational cry of black holes in the last phases of their dramatic merging. How can we "see" the "invisible" black holes? What have they taught us on the history of the Universe? How does matter behave under the extreme physical conditions in their surroundings? These will be amongst the questions that I will address in my talk.
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Uczestnicy w sali wykładowej otrzymają gratis książkę "Across the Universe. Research at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences".
Transmisja w
Matteo Guainazzi is staff astronomer at the European Space and Technology Center of ESA (Noordwijk, The Netherlands). He has been working for almost a quarter of a century on the design, development and science operations of X-ray observatories of ESA (XMM-Newton, Athena), ASI (BeppoSAX), and JAXA (ASCA, Hitomi, XRISM). His research focuses on understanding the feeding of and feedback by supermassive black holes, as well as the physical processes occurring in the immediate surrounding of the black hole event horizon, employing X-ray observations of "active galaxies". He is Sicilian, 56 years old, has been living abroad (Netherlands, Spain, Japan ) over almost his entire adult life.