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Postdoctoral research positions in experimental gravitational wave physics at the International Research Agenda AstroCeNT in Warsaw, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CAMK PAN) in Warsaw invites applications for 3 postdoctoral research positions in experimental gravitational wave physics at the new CAMK’s department AstroCeNT (Particle Astrophysics and Technology Centre) - an interdisciplinary, international research center, founded by Prof. Leszek Roszkowski and Prof. Tomasz Bulik – the beneficiaries of the International Research Agenda Programme (IRAP) of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). The programme is co-financed from the EU’s Smart Growth Operational Programme (for more information about the AstroCeNT project see the URL: https://www.camk.edu.pl/en/research/projects/astrocent/ and the FNP’s website: https://www.fnp.org.pl/en/laureaci-drugiego-konkursu-w-programie-miedzynarodowe-agendy-badawcze/). 

To be suitable for this role the researchers – physicists and engineers – should have an experience in electronics and data acquisition systems. The successful applicants will be expected to engage in experimental research in gravitational waves, seismic and environmental sensor development, low noise electronics, as well as in related topics of astronomy and particle physics.

The gross monthly salary on the postdoctoral research position will be 15,000 PLN (the expected net salary of around 8,750 PLN).

The applicants are asked to submit by no later than 10th December 2018 to the e-mail address: office@astrocent.pl the following documents:

  1. curriculum vitae,
  2. statement of research interests,
  3. publication list,
  4. photocopy of PhD diploma,
  5. three or four letters of reference,
  6. scan of signed GDPD form (available from https://www.camk.edu.pl/en/about/ochrona-danych-osobowych/#rodocent).


The project implementation period is 5 years (until the end of June 2023). After the end of this term, there will be an option of turning the positions into tenure-track appointments.

Complete applications received before 10th December 2018 will receive full considerations; however, applications received after that date will be also considered until the positions are filled.

More information about the above job offer may be obtained from:
the Euraxess website: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/353663
and from Prof. Tomasz Bulik: (tomek.bulik@astrocent.pl).


