Grzegorz Wiktorowicz (CAMK, Warsaw)
Ultraluminous X-ray sources have luminosities significantly above the Eddington limit for a stellar mass black hole. A recent discovery of pulsars in a few ULXs seems to prove that the superEddinton emission is possible. We analysed mass transfer rates onto neutron stars in X-ray binaries in order to verify if they can be high enough to power a ULX. We found out that NS accretors may constitute a significant fraction of the ULX population and even dominate it in old stellar systems.
Abbas Askar (CAMK, Warsaw)
The talk is based on Adams et al. MNRAS, 468, 4968-4981 (2017).
Raj Prince (Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru )
We have analyzed data from Blazar FSRQ PKS 1510-089 collected over a period of eight years from 2008 August to 2016 December with the Fermi-LAT. We have identified the several flares of this highly variable source, studied their temporal and spectral properties in detail. Five flares and few sub-flares have been identified in our study. I will talk about these five flares in detail.