Antonis Manousakis (NCAC, Warsaw)
Based on Bachetti et al. (2014) Nature, 514, 202 and Lyutikov ArXiV:1410.8745
Bhupendra Mishra (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Ghisellini et al. Nature, 515, 376
Bei You (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Woo et al. (2015)
Mateusz Janiak (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on talks from the XXVI Winter School on Bayesian Astrophysics 2014
Grzegorz Gajda (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Vogelsberger et al. (2014), Nature, 509, 177;
Vogelsberger et al. (2014), MNRAS, 444, 1518;
Andres del Pino (NCAC, Warsaw)
Highlights from the KITP conferences. The Milky Way and its Stars: Stellar Astrophysics, Galactic Archaeology, and Stellar Populations
P. Varadarajan (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Dogan et al. (2015)
Justyna Modzelewska (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Shen & Ho, Nature, 513, 210 (2014).
Weronika Narloch (CAMK, Warsaw)
based on Ferraro (2015): http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.04484
Rodolfo Smiljanic (CAMK, Torun)
Summary of a recent conference.
Katarzyna Drozd (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Tajitsu et al., Nature (2015)- http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.05598
Cezary Galan (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Neyskens et al., Nature (2015) - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v517/n7533/full/nature14050.html
Tek Prasad Adhikari (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Seth et al. Nature 513 (2014) - arxiv:1409.4769 - and Strader et al. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 775 (2013) - arXiv:1307.7707 -
Stanislaw Bajtlik (CAMK, Warsaw)
Krzysztof Nalewajko (Stanford, US)
David Abarca (CAMK, Warsaw)
Krzysztof Belczyński (OAUW, Warszawa)
Paulina Sowicka (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Garcia-Berro et al. arXiv:1503.01739 and Santander-García, M. et al. Nature 519 (2015).
Ela Zocłońska (CAMK, Warszawa)
Based on Saio et al. MNRAS 447 (2015)
Sylvain Fouquet (CAMK, Warszawa)
Andrzej A. Zdziarski (CAMK, Warszawa)
based on IceCube collaboration 2014 and Pierre Auger collaboration 2015
Abbas Askar (CAMK, Warsaw)
based on S. Saracino et al. 2015
Gerald Handler (CAMK, Warszawa)
based on Sullivan et al. arXiv:1506.03845, Ricker et al. arXiv:1406.0151, and the KASC8/TASC1 workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 15 - 19 June 2015.
Rupal Basak (CAMK, Warszawa)
based on Fuerst et al. arXiv:1506.01381
Norbert Werner (KIPAC, Stanford University)
In the course of structure formation, only a small fraction of the baryons turned into stars - most remain in a diffuse intergalactic medium. The growth of galaxies is regulated by feedback processes, such as energy and momentum input from supernovae, and jets and winds of accreting supermassive black holes. These processes, collectively called galactic feedback, can limit or even inhibit star formation, and thus a detailed knowledge of how they work is essential for our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. I will start my talk by presenting recent observational results on the role of supermassive black holes in keeping the most massive galaxies 'red and dead'. Then, I will 'zoom out' to the outskirts of galaxy clusters where we also find hints that supermassive black holes played an important role in the distant past. X-ray observations with the Suzaku satellite reveal a remarkably homogeneous distribution of iron out to the virial radius of the nearby Perseus Cluster, requiring that most of the metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium occurred before the cluster formed, probably more than ten billion years ago, during the period of maximal star formation and black hole activity. Finally, I will talk about the upcoming ASTRO-H satellite which will revolutionize X-ray spectroscopy and our understanding of how feedback processes couple to the intergalactic medium.
Andrzej Zdziarski (CAMK, Warsaw)
A space mission in the ESA M4 competition (http://www.isdc.unige.ch/xipe/)
Marcin Semczuk (CAMK Warsaw and Warsaw University Observatory)
based on Gómez et al. (2015) arxiv:1509.08459
Krystian Ilkiewicz (CAMK, Warsaw)
based on Richardson et al. arXiv:1510.00324
Michal Bejger (CAMK, Warsaw)
based on http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.00395 by Wynn C. G. Ho et al. 2015
Varadarajan Parthasarathy (CAMK, Warsaw)
Katarzyna Drozd (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Pan et al. ApJ 806 (2015)
Bei You (CAMK, Warsaw)
based on Wilkins et al. MNRAS 454 (2015)
Justyna Średzińska (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Valenti et al. ApJL 813 (2015)
Krzysztof Belczynski (Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw)
We will show our most recent predictions for direct detection of gravitational waves with the advanced LIGO/Virgo. LIGO has already resumed its operations after 5 years of break. The increased sensitivity of the instrument will either very quickly bring detections (as predicted by our past and present calculations) or will deliver severe constraints on stellar and binary evolution.
Based on Belczynski et al. arxiv (2015) and recent works by Chris Belczynski, Michal Dominik, Wojtek Gladysz, Grzegorz Wiktorowicz, Mira Grudzinska and Bartosz Beldycki.
Feng Yuan (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China)
Black hole hot accretion flows are perhaps operating in the nuclei of most of the galaxies in our universe. In this talk, I will review the main progress in recent years in this field, which is about the wind or outflow. The progresses are mainly attributed to the rapid development of numerical simulations of accretion flows. The following topics will be covered: theoretically why we believe strong winds exist; where and how they are produced and accelerated; what are their main properties such as mass flux and velocity; the comparison of the properties between wind and jet; the main observational evidences for wind, mainly from Sgr A*; and one observational manifestation of the interaction between wind and interstellar medium, namely the formation of the Fermi bubbles in the Galactic center.
Syeda Nazma Islam (Raman Research Institute India)
I will describe some new studies carried out using long term light curves of X-ray binaries with various X-ray all sky monitors. 16 years of RXTE-ASM light-curves are utilised to construct multiple snapshots of X-ray Luminosity Functions (XLF) of the X-ray binaries in the Milky Way and study the effect of variability of X-ray binaries on them. Using orbital phase resolved spectroscopic measurements of the bright High Mass X-ray binary GX 301-2 with an unprecedented orbital coverage with MAXI, we examined various models about the mode of accretion on to the neutron star. The orbital period evolution of the eclipsing X-ray binary 4U 1700-37 was measured using long term light-curves obtained with the all sky monitors RXTE–ASM, Swift–BAT and MAXI–GSC. We have also used the mid-eclipse times and the eclipse duration measurements obtained from 10 years long X-ray light curve obtained with Swift–BAT to separately put constraints on the eccentricity of the binary system and attempted to measure any apsidal motion. The orbital intensity profile of another X-ray binary IGR J16393-4643 created with Swift-BAT shows it to have a short eclipse, which is used to constrain the inclination of this system. I will also describe the various payloads onboard the recently launched Indian multi-wavelength astronomy mission ASTROSAT.