Morgane Fortin (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Katz, Mod. Phys. Lett. A31 (2016)
Monika Rybicka (CAMK, Warsaw)
Based on Reed et al., MNRAS 458 (2016)
Ela Zocłońska (CAMK, Warsaw)
Short summary of the "13th INTEGRAL BART Workshop IBWS" which was organized in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic on April 18-21, 2016. During that workshop on "Small satellite day" the first Czech satellite VZLUSAT1 was presented as well as two concepts for the Czech BRITE (one with an X-ray and UV detector and a second one with an X-ray detector). The main goal of the workshop was to bring together scientific experimenters and payload providers with the small satellite designers and realizers and high-energy variability astrophysicists.
based on the 13th INTEGRAL BART Workshop IBWS Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
David Abarca (CAMK, Warsaw)
based on Fragile et al. arXiv:1602.08082